The ambiance is good, but I think that everything looks to "straight", the wood, the walls, the stairs, it lack some "old and used" aspect, if you see what I mean.
Very nice ! I love the atmosphere
Maybe the water and the rocks are a little weak, but I think it could be way better with a little bit of post-processing work
I did a test (It's really overdonebut it was just for showing what I meant)
Just messed around with the color balance and added some stars (because I think it really enhances the ambiance)
great work anyway, it looks really vast, everything looks super details, and those fish ^^ !
@Texelion yeah I see what you mean, would like to go back and fix up a few things later called this done for now since I wont have access to my personal computer for a while ^^
@Strkl thanks alot! yeah I should probably play around a bit with the color balance I appreciate the suggestion! I really didnt do much with the sky to be honest its something I should maybe look into later but it was nice to call it done for now and get something new and fresh on my dusty old folio site
thanks a lot! trying to slap up some newer things on there since alot of it is from when I graduated in may ^^ made an update yesterday with this environment and some props, happier with how it looks now
Maybe the water and the rocks are a little weak, but I think it could be way better with a little bit of post-processing work
I did a test (It's really overdonebut it was just for showing what I meant)
Just messed around with the color balance and added some stars (because I think it really enhances the ambiance)
great work anyway, it looks really vast, everything looks super details, and those fish ^^ !
@Strkl thanks alot! yeah I should probably play around a bit with the color balance I appreciate the suggestion! I really didnt do much with the sky to be honest its something I should maybe look into later
and wow ! I remember seeing your portfolio some time ago, just want to say there are some great stuff !
Pretty simple geometry really.. alot of planes and modular pieces, alot of primitive shapes ^^