Hi. I recently made a low poly terrain and textured it with a rather small texture of grass (512x512) and tried to make it look hand-painted. What I can correct with it? Thank you for your time.
you're missing contrast and hard vs. soft edges - and i don't really see brush strokes, it just comes off as blurry. use harder brushes and blend in and out.
there's also lots of different styles for this..it kind of depends on what you're going for. Do you want something like this?
Right now the texture is too vague to be grass, even if you're going for a painterly look. There are many methods of rendering grass and different style of grass, but they all have something in common: readability. I suggest painting out blades of grass so the texture reads well from a reasonable distance, and have refs in front of you while you work.
there's also lots of different styles for this..it kind of depends on what you're going for. Do you want something like this?
or more like this?
...in fact..i'd advise you to go and look at the first few pages of Chocos thread if you haven't already.