I thought the opening ceremony was pretty terrible except for the forging of the rings and the queen/james bond bit (although the helicopter cgi film was quite bad in some places).
Missed the opening ceremony, and will probably miss the rest of the Olympics. It's amazing some of the things those people can do with their bodys, but it somehow just doesn't interest me.
I quite enjoyed the opening ceremony. Some great music and film references through out.
I would have like to see more impressive acrobatics and visuals. More like a cirque du soliel type thing. And the start was a bit slow due to the fact they made hobbiton and then had to take it all apart nearly straight away to unviel the industrial age. Its should have started with more "oomph" imo. I even enjoyed Mr. Bean bit as well even though I'm not a massive Bean fan.
I like tuning into olympic sports you don't usually see on TV. Things like fencing, ping pong, badminton, gymnastic, archery, etc. Also, watching with an "artists eye" it's some great anatomy and motion reference as well.
I live about a mile from the olympic park, saw some of the fireworks from my window:)
just went to get the camera then old geezer paul mcartney came on instead blahh
Makes sense that it would have similarities to LOTR/Hobbit as J.R.R Tolkien based a lot of the books settings on the changing landscape of Britain and its industrialization.
Some of those are a bit far-fetched though.
I absolutely loved the entire thing. Wouldn't be surprised if that gets Danny Boyle a Knighthood.
I'm gonna sound so grumpy here (honestly, I'm generally not), while I appreciate the sportsmanship aspect of the Olympics, I really dislike everything they have surrounding it...
London is already such an expensive, overcrowded city and the Olympics just make it worse. I really feel like the Olympics are used as a handy vehicle for corporate greed here.The Torch passing through Bromley was preceded by a procession of obnoxiously loud "sponsor" trucks, and now my girlfriend can't even get on her bus out of London because they've closed everything down.
So whats new in this version? As far as I can tell the games play the same way since many versions ago. I honestly don't see much difference between 2008 and this latest release. I wish the Olympic comittee would stop making sequels every four years and focus their efforts on innovation instead of making profits. What's next? A facebook social game based on the same franchise? meh, no wonder the industry is stagnating.
I would have like to see more impressive acrobatics and visuals. More like a cirque du soliel type thing. And the start was a bit slow due to the fact they made hobbiton and then had to take it all apart nearly straight away to unviel the industrial age. Its should have started with more "oomph" imo. I even enjoyed Mr. Bean bit as well even though I'm not a massive Bean fan.
I like tuning into olympic sports you don't usually see on TV. Things like fencing, ping pong, badminton, gymnastic, archery, etc. Also, watching with an "artists eye" it's some great anatomy and motion reference as well.
just went to get the camera then old geezer paul mcartney came on instead blahh
I watched the opening ceremony on a tiny TV behind me in a restaurant. I could hardly see the screen, but it was still cool.
Did anyone else notice all of the Lord of the Ringsy parts?
Some of those are a bit far-fetched though.
I absolutely loved the entire thing. Wouldn't be surprised if that gets Danny Boyle a Knighthood.
London is already such an expensive, overcrowded city and the Olympics just make it worse. I really feel like the Olympics are used as a handy vehicle for corporate greed here.The Torch passing through Bromley was preceded by a procession of obnoxiously loud "sponsor" trucks, and now my girlfriend can't even get on her bus out of London because they've closed everything down.
/rant over
Oh and the part when it was like, 'we invented the Internet, so you can suck it china!'