I have been working on a ballista project recently, and I am having problems with the ropes of it.
I would like it to be wrapped around the pulley, like a real one would do. How am i supposed to accomplish this?
Animating splines? Bones?
What would a professional would do to make this?
And as another example, think about an animation with a kid loosening his shoelaces. Cloth simulations would suck for that too.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
P.S. Hope this thing is in the right section.
As I found out, splines and path deform modifier, gets the job half done.
Howewer there is another problem.
So, the cord wraps around the pulley, but its start point is not fixed, and it would look like it's sliding around the pulley even if the pulley rotated.
However, I found out that people does not notice this problem. It could be easily hidden from the camera anyway. But still, i still wonder how would a professional do the thing. that would be my 3rd ballista project I guess.
Result of the second ballista project:
The second one, works by mathematical equations, and i dont think a game engine could handle those in real time.
And by being fixed, I dont think that i meant what you understood. A real cord wouldnt release from the pulley on the wrong side.
I just sometimes have trouble explaining myself in depth, as I'm not a native english speaker. Sorry about that.
@polyamorous; yes, i thought about that in the beginning, but it would be a complex animation. I'm looking for a way to simplify that.
The way you described is the way i already used in my second ballista project.
But i'm not satisfied.
Like a snake wrapping itself around a tree. This is not the case.
Since I cannot make myself more clear, what about observing a real one?
Perhaps something like this.
Not exactly, look again.
Thanks for taking the time to explain.
Thanks for the help polyamorous