Moving on from my Sniper rifle which I may do a revisit on the textures, I'm doing a Mobile AA Tank. I know military vehicles are worn out but I personally believe they are excellent for practice since they force you to practice a lot of various techniques in every stage of development.
So Here's my Progress so far with Mental Ray renders:
Now for anyone not familiar with this vehicle it's basically a short range missile system mounted on a M113 chassis.
I have a few elements missing on the chassis which are around the toolbox on the back and the left side is a little barren.
Technical issues to deal with:
When I first started this project a couple of days ago I planned on a purely high poly model simply to practice sub'd modeling and tackle odd corners and situations. Because of this a lot of the earlier edges are very tight and will obviously be horrid when baking.
With a lot of tight spaces on the model it'll be challenging breaking it down to a low poly so I might have to alter some of the smaller elements to make it easier.
edit(1): The handle on the left side of the front mounted vent looking box.
That's all I can think of for now but I will update as I go. For now I'll add the missing elements then start on the mounted missile system.
Hopefully this wall of text isn't intimidating but I'm trying to get all my thoughts out there in case anyone has comments to improve my pipeline.
As always, Comments and Critiques on the work is what I need to improve !
Looks really good so far! Nice modeling. I'd love to see your workflow as you make the low poly mesh. Tried a quick google search for M113 and found a whole mess of different configurations. Would you mind posting some of your reference?
Update to the turret. not much to show just a blockout. When I was making the chassis I had rough blueprints and with this I don't so I'm taking my time trying to get the proportions right before detailing.
Now looking at them again I'm noticing they're only a smidgen too big :P
Update on the turret, I have the Missile tubes and tube case 90% complete
Here's the progress.
Progress on the turret is quite slow since I'm eyeballing from reference which I haven't done much of. I'm also trying to steer as closely to the rel thing as possible, save for very minuscule details.
The model is looks ok, nice work! But i prefer the less blurry renders - shows more detail. Maybe add some specular material to the tank, put some omni light with warm color to the back of camera, turn off Exposure control, and turn on Quick Silver render. If you do this few step, you get nice renders very-very fast, and not recommend blur noises with PS in future.
@SPYFF, thanks for the tips. I'm using mental ray with a Sky portal. These are just renders I didn't bring them through PS. Though I will try your recommendations. Thanks
Hey everyone, been a long time since and update. (Finally moving )
I have most of the turret done. I'm reallly not a fan of how I did the optics but let me know what you guys think.
If you compare my model to the real thing there are variances here and there, especially on the turret. I'm not going for an accurate depiction I'm going just for likeness so I can focus on my workflow and techniques rather then accuracy.
Once I'm happy with the results I'll be tackling the very tough time of making a low poly and unwrapping ( )
Working on the lowpoly model for awhile now. haven't had much chance to sit down for a few hours striaght so any time i had I'd work on it.
Here's the progress:
The tri count is at a whopping 28k. Now I know it's a lot but save for a few tris I think that'll be my final tri count. I've been following Xoliuls Dozer part 2 dvd and his is at 40k so I think I'm well within the portfolio piece limit.
I figured the turret is my main focal point so I left som details on it I also left small parts on the back, front and sides to keep in level.
Your lp model looks good, but I don't see where you spend 28k tri. General rule is that if geometry not change general shape, should be baked to normal. It is skill make good looking model at 10-15k tris.
I decided to do another once over the mesh for any ngons and found a couple thousand worth of tris to be saved by welding them up. I also decided to ditch the rings on the lifted pannels and I'll flatten the ones on the high poly so they can be part of the normal map.
In total I reduced the overall tri count by 5k to ~22k.
Thanks MrSande, it's just the inside of a cube with a MR sky portal and skylight. Then I brought the renders into PS and used smart sharpen to pop the edges.
Hello fellow Polycounters!
Moving on from my Sniper rifle which I may do a revisit on the textures, I'm doing a Mobile AA Tank. I know military vehicles are worn out but I personally believe they are excellent for practice since they force you to practice a lot of various techniques in every stage of development.
So Here's my Progress so far with Mental Ray renders:
Now for anyone not familiar with this vehicle it's basically a short range missile system mounted on a M113 chassis.
I have a few elements missing on the chassis which are around the toolbox on the back and the left side is a little barren.
Technical issues to deal with:
When I first started this project a couple of days ago I planned on a purely high poly model simply to practice sub'd modeling and tackle odd corners and situations. Because of this a lot of the earlier edges are very tight and will obviously be horrid when baking.
With a lot of tight spaces on the model it'll be challenging breaking it down to a low poly so I might have to alter some of the smaller elements to make it easier.
edit(1): The handle on the left side of the front mounted vent looking box.
That's all I can think of for now but I will update as I go. For now I'll add the missing elements then start on the mounted missile system.
Hopefully this wall of text isn't intimidating but I'm trying to get all my thoughts out there in case anyone has comments to improve my pipeline.
As always, Comments and Critiques on the work is what I need to improve !
Keep up the great work!
Now I'm not familiar with the lengthy list of configs the M113 has but AFAIK this tank is used by the Canadian military.
Now looking at them again I'm noticing they're only a smidgen too big :P
Here's the progress.
Progress on the turret is quite slow since I'm eyeballing from reference which I haven't done much of. I'm also trying to steer as closely to the rel thing as possible, save for very minuscule details.
@SPYFF, thanks for the tips. I'm using mental ray with a Sky portal. These are just renders I didn't bring them through PS. Though I will try your recommendations. Thanks
I have most of the turret done. I'm reallly not a fan of how I did the optics but let me know what you guys think.
If you compare my model to the real thing there are variances here and there, especially on the turret. I'm not going for an accurate depiction I'm going just for likeness so I can focus on my workflow and techniques rather then accuracy.
Once I'm happy with the results I'll be tackling the very tough time of making a low poly and unwrapping (
Here's the progress:
The tri count is at a whopping 28k. Now I know it's a lot but save for a few tris I think that'll be my final tri count. I've been following Xoliuls Dozer part 2 dvd and his is at 40k so I think I'm well within the portfolio piece limit.
I figured the turret is my main focal point so I left som details on it I also left small parts on the back, front and sides to keep in level.
Let me hear your comments
Sorry for my bad English
In total I reduced the overall tri count by 5k to ~22k.
Thanks StK Uriziel, for the advice.