For those of you using Max and the Source Engine, I wanted to share some new updates.
Today I loaded an update to Wall Worm that fixes the Brush Material Exporter bug that wouldn't let you export the Material and Maps in the same pass (you had to export maps, then materials).
I also added recently the ability to place and export Decals from your Max scene.
Here is an in-depth overview of creating materials from scratch in Max and exporting those materials along with the scene directly into Source.
[ame=""]Wall Worm Brush Textures and Decals - YouTube[/ame]
There are also more
docs and a sample Max file to help demonstrate the process in that video.
Also, the entire toolset for exporting Max scenes into Source has been actively updated. Here is a screen shot of the most recent UI for Exporting a VMF.
Some of the cool features are that it will automatically PAK into your BSP the assets used/created in the scene (like all the models, materials, textures, etc).
Anyway, I hope that ya'll enjoy it.