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Tiling Fissure

Hey guys,

So I'm making some tiling cliffs/fissures/various other things and I figured I'd hit you guys up with what I've been busy with. :)

So my first pass at a tiling rock cliff, turned out kinda like so:




S'alright. I don't have tons of experience painting in any sort of hand painted style, so the texturing was a lot of fun. I (smartly, wait no...dumb-assedly) omitted some prep work to make it easily tillable, so I had to do a bit of unnecessary work in Photoshop to get it to tile. It's still not exactly perfect, but it doesn't draw too much attention to itself.

I'm not thrilled about how it looks tiled. Definitely one of those situations where it looks better solo. I think I tried to give it a bit too much personality? I'm still trying to get to that balance of making it generic enough that the tiling doesn't stand out but still be interesting.

I wanted to move on to another tiling cliff sort of asset and carry forward what I learned from this piece to make it better/faster/stronger. We also need a couple of tiling fissure elements for where the earth is splitting open, torn asunder, ect.

Just some reference. Thinking of a tear in the earth like the top pic and then some lava seeping up.


Here is the block out I've come up with. I want to keep the proportions and the left, right, and top geometry the same so it can tile with the other cliffs. Actually, now that I think about it...I guess it won't matter too much, its not like this is going to tile up with the other ones anyway. :/ I'm a bit concerned with it looking too "tile-y" like my previous piece.




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