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[Portfolio] Stefan Lipsius - 3d Animator

Might as well bite the bullet and post my new reel and new-ish site.

I present to you, my website. www.StefanLipsius.com

Here's the reel

and in quicktime format for frame by frame.

The red creature and the female are rigs from iAnimate. I am just finishing up the first workshop of the games section, and figured it's time to start looking for a new job.

Any feedback about the site or reel is greatly appreciated.


  • FractaL
    Great work slipsius, you're really a professional at animating. I love the fluidity and life that your animations have.

    Your demo reel is really good, but your website could use a few touch-ups. Personally I'd use a different font that doesn't look so skewed, and a different colour. As for the background you could even go for something more simplistic and not so dark, maybe a nice bright vector graphic or some sort of art that is easier on the eyes.

    By the way are you the same guy who told me about Durham? I swear I've seen that display picture of yours somewhere...
  • slipsius
    Thanks FractaL! Though, I still have a looong way to go before I view myself as a professional (even if it is my job.)

    Yes, I am the same guy that told you about Durham. Did you end up applying?
  • Ghostman511
    Hey Slipsius! I'm currently in the Game Dev program at Durham, I'm going into my 3rd year. Did you graduate this past year? Your demo is really good but I have a few pointers with your some of your animations.

    1. The girl that's moving from cover to cover has a bit of sliding in her feet on the last few frames
    2. I love the wiggle in the same chicks walk cycle, but I think her hips need a bit more rotate in the Y axis. As well her feet seem a bit stiff. They could use a little bend as they release from the ground.
    3. The same girls run cycle needs a few touch ups. Her arms & body seem really stiff. I know shes trying to hold that pose of the gun out and saber back but running like that would be really hard. There needs to be a lot more momentum in the arms and rotation in the hips and body if shes going to be running at the speed she is.

    Other then those few things your other cycles and animations are really solid! Great work! Sorry if I came off harsh, I've just had Matt as my animation teacher and he's instilled a hard critic. But that's how we learn right! Best of luck!
  • Mark Dygert
    1. The girl that's moving from cover to cover has a bit of sliding in her feet on the last few frames
    She actually does lift her foot and replant it. She isn't casting a shadow and the ground is flat gray so it's hard to gauge how close her foot really is (watch the quicktime version). More than likely it would be fine in game or in a fully rendered shot. We really have to be careful and not overcompensate for the lack of viewport/playblast quality, it's a tough balancing act for sure, I think what he has works well and strikes a good balance without overcompensating, it shows foresight into the final product.
    2. I love the wiggle in the same chicks walk cycle, but I think her hips need a bit more rotate in the Y axis.
    If he adds more Y rotation it needs to be very very subtle otherwise it will come across as a weird pelvic thrust... While there are lot of people who would like to see her hump the air, I'm not sure it would help him land a job, if he adds it... it should be VERY subtle.
    As well her feet seem a bit stiff. They could use a little bend as they release from the ground.
    They have a slight bend and a good roll. It's rare for light characters with small feet, to have the toes flex heavily as it lifts, it can easily look like they are keeping their toes planted longer than they need to be, like walking on fly paper.
    3. The same girls run cycle needs a few touch ups. Her arms & body seem really stiff. I know shes trying to hold that pose of the gun out and saber back but running like that would be really hard. There needs to be a lot more momentum in the arms and rotation in the hips and body if shes going to be running at the speed she is.
    I disagree, she has a very light and quick run cycle and adding more roll to the hips would make her look heavier and slower like turning up the gravity. She's a ninja chick and they go 100mph and barely touch the ground. There is something to be said for accurately recreating the reality of a real person trudging along at 5mph, but then more can be said for capturing the spirit of a character. Currently I can easily imagine her transitioning into a jump that goes well above human capabilities, judging by her jump/double jump I think that fits pretty well.
  • slipsius
    Thanks for the crit, Ghostman. I really do appreciate it. You too, Mark
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