click for wires

been cranking these out to try some stuff with modeling + baking otherwise current-gen stuff for a lower spec than usual, and to try some scripted hotkeys
as described here and to focus on speed in general. each one was averaging about 3 hours for hp through bake which is fairly good. i wasnt sharing parts between them but if i was thatd probably speed it up further too. the same lowpoly could easily be used for a few of these with only minor alterations, and some hp parts such as sights and triggers could literally be copy and pasted. but, that would have gone against the point of observing modeling speed.
some people in WAYWO wanted to see maps,
edit: maps now three posts down
thx 4 lookin

I wonder how far you could optimize it with symmetry.
Incredible work still!
Just wondering what kind of edge treatment you did on your hi-poly to bake into that much small maps?Or is there anything specific?
the thing with pistols is that theyre usually asymmetrical in that the slide will have an ejection port clearly on one side and usually the frame will have a safety and a mag release on one side. if one sacrificed these realistic details then one could mirror these very large elements and increase all elements by maybe 20% on the upper end (if even scaling was the goal). in these cases i did not feel inhibited by map size but if one tried to do this on a 128 or even a 64 it might become a very good idea. that said, since i was dedicating so much map space to the slides and frames, i made sure to add asymmetrical details in all of them, including some that were made up but which i felt had verisimilitude
one mistake i certainly did make on that scope however was that I only modeled one knob. a friend corrected me afterwards; a second knob is needed as one controls elevation and the other windage. i did not correct this because the area where the second knob would have to go is already mirrored and i didnt think it was important enough to constitute reworking hp, lp, uv, and bake, but i do concede the error
also, thanks to everyone for the kind words
btw love the shader setup you have there. My shader?
thank you - i was certainly trying for accuracy but there's also a few places where i specifically changed things, usually to get a better bake. a good example is the browning which has two changes i can think of - it actually has a proper rear sight in real life, with a gap that you're meant to sight through, but i greatly simplified the whole setup in order to model and bake it more quickly. it's also generally got that bar on the left side that goes through the grip on both sides, but i kept it on only one side in order to have as much asymmetry as possible, to capitalize on all the map space being dedicated to that.
some of the other guns are more accurate though, the frommer and the glock didnt have any intentional concessions and the 1911 and the m95 have i think one change each. there's also no accounting for mistakes i might have made, such as the scope thing i mentioned b4
choosing very small compact/baby guns helped in getting as much as possible out of the maps. the glock of course is the exception and it's definitely a bit blurrier due to squeezing more in (it's also the first one i did in this run)
the shader is 3ps but i doubt its anything that couldnt be done in yours, its just flat colors for diffuse and gloss, AO for spec, and AO for occlusion / reflection masking
e/ oh, one small accuracy thing i forgot to mention, many of these have reduced numbers of slide grooves that are also wider, so that they would bake and read better
bolton's my boy and you know the shit dont stop
incidentally, FROMMER