Hey girls and boys ,
For the last few months I was working with my friend on a unity game for a mobile device. That's all well and nice but I want to make a good looking teaser trailer for it. The whole video sector is new to me , never edited videos before , never made a logo , etc...
So if you could spend a minute or two to help me figure out what's wrong with it.
Because I know that something about it is totally wrong , I just can't put my finger on it.
Your help will be very appreciated ! I just saw it so many times that I brainwashed my self.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCRzPeh0zmc&feature=colike"]Star Dice " Pre-Alpha " Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
And if you are interested about the game here are some screenshots.

If you insist on going with the whole "hey look its REALLY on ipad" then might i suggest after a few seconds you zoom in and give the audience fullscreen gameplay.
Intro was great, but the ending seems a bit abrupt to me. Maybe a fade to black or fade to a screen with company logo and release date? Anything.
Second, I agree. Drop the ipad. Unless you show it, then zoom in right away to show the gameplay.
As far as gameplay goes, I have no idea whats going on. I think you need some title screens or overlays saying "real time combat" or squad based combat or whatever features you really want to sell to your audience. And I think some of the cuts were jsut too long. Like, watching the same firing over and over, it can be quicker.
That being said, i love the graphics and want to know more about the game.
Thanks a lot guys for the feedback I really appreciate that you took the time to watch it.
I agree on all the things you guys said and I removed the video for future editing , I will make sure to drop the Ipad and give a full wide screen gameplay video in HD.
Besides that I will improve he action and put more real game play video in it.
So you will get the most out of it. And of course make a better ending with the release date.
I will post a new video in few days with more info about the game, again thanks a lot for your help guys.
But I just finished working on my last version of the trailer.
I think it looks a lot better now , and I would like to thank everyone for helpful information.
Specially Novian , for sending me a ton great stuff.