I'm working on a palm tree that will be used through a level I'm working on with a friend in UDK(there will be a thread when we get more stuff done).
I haven't really modeled foliage before, so it took me a few tries to get it to where it is now. But, I'd like to get some feedback before I call it done and move on to another. Current tri count is 1305, but that can easily be cut down more.

Two Marmoset shots. I set up tessellation in UDK for the top of the tree and I tried it out in Marmoset too.

*Ignore the sand texture. I created it for vertex painting and not to be used as a single texture.
Everything for the tree is on one 1024x1024 image with plenty of space left, so I'm gonna add more objects on the sheet. I'm also thinking about adding a few browner/dead fronds...
At the moment the trunk is like \/ into the ground where it should look like /\ to give it more stability.
I'm not too sure the tesselation and displacement in the core of the foliage is necessary if that's what it is, because you will hardly ever notice those details.
The density of the foliage is not good enough, it would gain to have a few branches going almost straight up in the air with the top of their ends curving slightly down due to gravity. Also 5-6 more branches that are older, placed under the ones you have right now, and bent more due to gravity.
A nice addition is also to have one more layer under these old branches, made of dead leaves, very short and almost falling.
In the end it should give you a canopy silhouette closer to a sphere and more pleasing to the eye than the ellipse you have now.
so your trunk texture needs some refinement.
Like others have said the base bulges out at the bottom of the tree.
Another cool thing you may use to your advantage, is that coconut trees grow to where the light is, so on the edges of a coconut tree grove they will have some that are growing almost horizontal.
Sweet! Thanks for this! I think I'll modify my texture on this tree and then change the mesh up a bit and do the tall palm like I planned, but without the top part where the tessellation is.
I want to give the base of the trunk more of a gradual change, instead of how it is now. My alpha on the dead leaf is also really bad. I'm gonna redo the texture.
Tri count is now at 988.
I took some Marmoset screenshots, but I didn't realize that the screenshot didn't use the alpha until now. But I have a UDK shot that has a similar PP style that I think we'll be going for. One of these days when we have more stuff, I'll make the post for the project.
(After viewing this again, this might not have been the best example. The leaves look more dense than they really are.)
I'm not liking how it's being lit, so I think I'm gonna have to work with the custom light material that is gone over the Foliage Modeling for UDK video. Does anyone have any experience with that or Subsurface scattering? I'd like to get some transparency in the leaves. I think I'm gonna call this one done now, unless there's some major flaw. I really need to start on another asset for the project.