Hi, Folks! I submitted my character art test the other day. Although I am not concerned (whatever happens, happens as they say), I was very curious to know the turnaround of a game studio's response after art test submission.
Any general experiences concerning this curious conundrum would be totally appreciated. Thanks, all!
But then I think the practice of art tests is a pretty shitty practice in general, let alone not even sending a copy-paste decline e-mail.
^ Besides that you are waiting for them and almost have nothing else to do if you don't have other interests/jobs/hobbies/activities to keep you busy so It starts to feel like more wait time then It really is.
Get started on learning a new technique or sharpening your anatomy skills or something along those lines. (Anatomy doesn't only have to mean human anatomy...) Draw up some concepts and start the next piece always striving for better than your last!:thumbup:
Keep hope alive in the background, but don't stay stuck.
Is this really common practice? I mean considering you could have spent all your evenings and spare time for a week or 2 making that art test on top of your normal work and be exhausted and they cant even spend 5 minutes to give you the dignity of a simple reply?
But yes, I've both heard and experienced unpleasant stories with art tests.
$!nz - Luckily, there is plenty to keep me busy
About 18 months later I get a phone call from the art director of that MMO developer asking if I was still interested in the position and they would like to move things forward if I still wanted the job.
I think it's a record for longest time spent between turning in an art test to when I heard back.