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Problem with AO in Maya 2013

polycounter lvl 9
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Daves polycounter lvl 9
Hey everyone,
i´ve been searching for a solution for like 4 hours and can´t find anything. The tutorials on youtube werent helpful with this. I have some completly black areas (breakes,front) and at the back its a lot whiter.
I found some tips but they didnt help either.
I tried every possible value in "Batch Bake". When i use "Normal direction: Surface Front" it looks like this. Ive tried to scale the Model and looked if faces were overlapping in the UV, but couldnt find anything.
I also used Normals-> Conform.
I tried to flip the black areas in UV editor, but that made no diference.
So i guess its a Problem with the UV map but i really dont know what :poly005:
Rendering the Model with ambient occlusion works, but baking the texture looks like this.
ps: sorry for posting on the wrong board, but its really late here ;)


  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Are the normals on that section reversed?

    Edit: I guess not? Try baking to Vertices, and see if it gives you the same issue.
  • Pola
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    Pola polycounter lvl 6
    Select the model, display>polgons>face normals, if the lines are too long display>polygons>normals size. This will show which direction the normal of the face is pointing, sometimes conform doesn't work properly. You can also turn off two-sided lighting in shaded view for all faces to go black if their normal is facing the other direction.

    In the UV editor, Image>Shaded UVs. This shows all faces colour coded in blue or red. Red is usually unwanted unless mirroring, if you flip the face normal it will flip the uv and the colour will swap red>blue, blue>red, however if you just flip the uv it won't flip the faces normal.

    Red uv's will bake the texture the opposite direction you'd get if blue(mirrored) so the problem should only be due to face normals I think.
  • Daves
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    Daves polycounter lvl 9
    Found a solution in google from 2008 ;) And thanks Pola, i will keep that in mind i f i run into it again.
    The way i did it:
    Batch Bake to see which faces are black in lower quality like 256x256. Seperate the black Faces (Mesh Seperate), Reverse Normals for new Objects and Combine everything.
  • Gheromo
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    Gheromo polycounter lvl 11
    normals->conform does the job too, no need for separating faces and combining back. just select mesh and run conform, job done.
  • Daves
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    Daves polycounter lvl 9
    That didnt work for me, tried that too.
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