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first game character, need critique

hi, this is my first game character, I need critique. tried to finish it as much as I could before posting. done using maya and zbrush. model has about 11000 triangles.



  • imijatov
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    imijatov polycounter lvl 14
    This is a great start for a first game character. Good job! I say strengthen the bone structures and volume of the face – cheeks, the nose bridge, chin and jaw areas. Give him more prominent eyebrows. A five o'clock shadow in the texture for stubble might help as well. Push the wrinkles/pores in the face and folds in the clothing further.
  • Elmo
    Offline / Send Message
    Elmo polycounter lvl 8
    hey man nice piece,i like the modeling
    normals seem to have came out well
    i find u can bring more to the character in the texturing department
    You should redo your spec map and use the diffuse as a base,itll make a world of difference
    just desaturate it and change the contrast with the cruves
    eyes are not suposed to be white and they have little red towards the sides to indicate some veins
    face could use some hue variations so u know its more then 1 layer of skin
    your shadow is really hard and doesnt seem to have a fall off to it which it should
    maybe lose the red and go for like
    textures dont pop
    i dont know if its the lighting or cuz its blurry textures
    i think u have 2 lights right now maybe put a strong back lighting
    u should do an unsharp mask over all ur textures at the end and maybe change up the lighting
    the rest is cool man
    :) keep it up
  • rombick
    thanks for the replies.

    2 elmo
    thx, it never occurred to me i can use desaturated diffuse to make specular.
    i will work on lighting, see what i can do. textures are a bit blurry you are right , will fix that. what does unsharp mask do? and where do you do it? sorry just never heard of it before.

    2 imijatov
    thx, just noticed myself eyebrows barely read. don't know if i will be fixing his bone structure but i will try.

    i will post update as soon as i can, probably sometime tomorrow.
  • Elmo
    Offline / Send Message
    Elmo polycounter lvl 8
    oh..sorry lol unsharp mask is in Filter-sharper-Unsharp mask
    it takes away the blurriness by sharpening the pixels
    just dont go to crazy as it will start pixelating
    try 50 in the amount
    as for the spec..yah its the way to go,ull b able to get all the cool details
    the trick is to paint little bit some highlights in your diffuse(not to harsh though) and then when ull desaturate and play with the curves the highlights will pop out making it shinier
    if its like metal u need to go closer to a white color
    your face if you make it to white the spec will make it look like plastic or something
    u can also put color on the spec
    spec color for stuff like metal is blue,gold would be some sort of yellow-orange
    if u put gold with a white spec it wont look realistic
    check some tutorial on specular maps in google
    your char is cool but everyone always overlooks the spec map and thats the one that is most important for the light contribution
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