Hey guys,
Me and xK1NGxOFxSKAx decided to do a colab project. We are making a realistic/stylized desert scene. Might as well just get to it here is what we have so far. C&C is always welcome. Stay posted for more updates!
*******************WIP Update!************************
another wip. Post-processing and lighting.

Here is the concept this is a paintover of Robin Olausson's concept.

This is how the work will be divided up.

Here is the renders we have so far.

Even though it's early, it's looking good so far. I assume a lot of that "southwestern" flavor will come out when the lighting comes in. Keep it up.
if not: then just keep doin what yer doin
and we are in the same area
more to come!
hope you like the new prop.
The trailer you made, what size is the texture? and does that texuture include the interior?
Trailer is on a 1024 right now, currently the texture is double sided so there is no interior. we plan on filling it with smaller props and foliage growing out of it
Or they break off. Not sure up to you. Good luck.
Maybe you guys can post some wires later?
On multiple objects, but the gas can especially, it's on a tiny bit of uv space on a 256x512 yet it has some interesting detail in the specular highlight, this could be faked in the spec map, but it doesn't look like it, and the normal is too small to hold that kind of info, do you have a detail norm/spec? or did you somehow pack all that detail into the spec/norm?
Edit: don't get me wrong, all of this stuff is kicking some ass! Looking forward to the scene coming together!
we are passed the modeling and texturing phase, right now were placing models and working on lighting and post processing
Comments and Critiques PLEASE
Have you been using Colour Look Up Tables to help tint your scene? Or is it entirely in lighting at this stage? If not, it might be worth checking them out, as it's a very powerful tool
You should also really work on getting your own sky in there as most can spot the default UDK one a mile off.
Perhaps a nice saturated blue to contrast the reds and yellow of the scene? Generally you wouldn't see many clouds over the desert.
Lastly, I think you could probably do with adding a few more polys to your rock assets to better define their silhouette.
They just seem to stand out a bit compared to the rest of the beautiful assets.
The way Naughty Dog go about rocks is to create a generic, tiling, high poly sculpt of rock details as a texture which is then applied to any low-poly rock created in Maya:
I hope that all helps
But yeah amazing job!
As far as the font, we experimented with a few and that was the one that stuck
Thanks for the feedback
Stellar work on the stylisation of the props and texture work.
Its mainly to do with how you do the ground and how you set everything out in the scene. I'm guessing each prop or set piece would be created seperately and imported, the ground would be done using the terrain editor in UDK and having a tileable texture placed on it? Also, how would you go about breaking up the ground texture to avoid repetition?
Really interested to see how this turns out!
@torch correct each prop was created separately and imported and the ground was made using the terrain editor. as far as breaking up the texture i just made a couple variations of dirt, super simple and fast. one with pebbles, cracks, darker dirt etc
id suggest checking out 3dmotives vid on terrain, real good stuff.
Other than that its looking sweet. Props are for sure the strongest part.
EDIT: I think the noisiness problem in the building is due to the general lack of noise elsewhere in the scene - the wood texture seems to have significantly more hi freq detail than the rest of the props and it's muddying the silhouettes inside the larger shape - a problem that doesn't really exist with the texture work on the rest of the assets
Are you running this in DX11? Anti-aliasing will help the image coherence considerably.
Failing that, you could always Super-Sample the image manually by capturing your frame using the "tiledshot" command.
By default this will render an image to your screenshot directory that is four times the resolution of the game. You then only need to take this into Photoshop and resize the image (Crtl+Alt+I) back to 1600 x 900.
BTW more updates later today!
have to do the work around for masked materials since shawdows are broken in udk may
also made a tiled shot for once.