Hey guys Ive been a lurker for like 4 years whilst studying to make games, I feel its about time I man up a post a thread of work.
So im recreating Diagon Alley from Harry Potter the idea is to make a bad ass scene which demonstrates my skills as an environment artist...
I can take harsh crit so please give it as i really want this piece to have the wow factor

Ok so here are some screenshots of where im at at the moment. If something looks Obviously crap like the floor for instance its because its a place holder...
Here is my basic Block out and the stage i am at Atm...

And here is a render of Olivanders

Ill be posting here alot with my changes.
Thanks for your time :]
Only other thing right now is that the ground texture appears way too large. I feel like it wants to be cobblestone, in which case it would be much smaller.
Keep it up.
It looks good so far. I would ease up on the heavy depth of field blur, add more props (signs, garbage, crates etc.), and make it so the block doesn't abruptly end in the distance.
The plan is to crowd the place with props and signs and use a bump offset shader for the inside of the shops with a couple of keyprops inside the window. i want to put gringotts and the end of the street so that it doesnt end abruplty.
Thanks again for all comments and crit will keep you guys updated