To make things easier for all here is an image to briefly explain:
I got the Iris to follow the path constraint, now I need the iris object to follow the surface of the eye ball and I don't want It to clip through the eye ball object.
This is the video doing the wrong thing:
Ignore the odd glitch were It returns to the front every few frames the video is smooth across this is just an example of what I am trying to avoid/fix.
How do I do that?
1. Create a NURBS ellipse path on the sphere (I did this by creating a spline ellipse, converting to NURBS, then moving the CVs manually so it aligns with the surface of the sphere, but there might be a better way - e.g. cutting the path into (a copy of) the sphere and creating a shape from those edges, then converting to NURBS)
2. Path constrain your iris to the NURBS ellipse, and turn on follow.
Hey Presto!
Thanks for your help.