[Final Update: 1/30/2013]
Update--9-13-2012 (Night):
Update--9-13-2012 (Re-block V1):
Going back to blocking it out to fix some of the proportion issues. Boxes/Cylinders/Spheres.
Images first, text after.
Working on a gear from one of my favorite games, Xenogears ('98, Squaresoft), Weltall.
I'm making decent progress on phase 1 I think, then I'll be making phase 2, it's transformation. For those who haven't played the game I want to, I'll spare the spoiler attached to the gear.
More to come soon, hope there are a few Xeno fans on the boards who will appreciate this and let me know if I'm doing it justice! =D
Did a quick assembly test to check out some scale, had to do some adjusting, happier with it now.
Update! Threw the head on there, scaled it. Temp pulled the shoulder pads; need to rebuild them to fit in with the arm and the mass of the chest. Also need to add more of a "swoop" motion to the legs like in the concept.
Andreas: Thanks for the critique, I saw what you meant and tweaked it. I'll mess with materials after I get the rest of the model laid out, although I see what you mean to help break it up so I'll probably do it along the way as well.
garriola83: haha, yea, it's been in my mind for awhile as well, and I figured why not do it now?
Everything is blocked out now, still need to tweak the hips/legs portion I think, it looks "off", not sure what it is. Going to start refining the back wings a bit, then start the connecting pieces (filling in all the black spots from the concept sheets), then move on to the "Id" parts.
Any feedback is welcome! :-)
Another update, making progress slowly but surely. Need to go through and build all the connection pieces and joints, and do another detail pass.
Got some good crits from some PC'er's offline, here's a quick update (more "S" curve, watch the proportions)
Nice work thus far.
Went back and did a quick blocking out, and it really helped to showcase some proportion issues. I think this is closer, gonna sleep on it and see how I feel about it in the morning.
@ Bacn, yea, that's a suggestion I got and am going to try on the second round of this model.
@ Ben, or what? :-)
Got some great feedback on Skype, mostly about fixing up the materials, so that's the plan for next passes. Once that's done, I'll move on to the polish phase (2ndary FX, more dynamic poses, etc).
Open to any other feedback anyone has as well!
*Also, if anyone knows how to embed video from Vimeo, let me know! I tried to use their default embed function to no avail.*
Also updating with images from my sketchbook thread (fixed the lighting, thanks to the Marmoset lighting tutorial!)