Slender is a pretty unique game, your only goal is to collect 8 pages and all you have is a flash light. The problem is the Slender man gets closer and closer after every page you collect. Look at him for to long and you die.
This has been once of scariest experiences I have had.
For some footage check out this Toonami Review
Edit: Forgot to link to the website
[ame=""]Toonami: "Slender" Game Review (July 22, 2012) (1080p HD) - YouTube[/ame]
Will return with a report!
fuck this!
Can't help but feel a little childish when catching a glimpse of a crappy low-poly model makes me jump out of my seat.
I will never play this game myself, but I might trick some friends of me into playing it, now that we are done with amnesia.
yeah same happened here
the mood is good, it gave me the chills but the artquality makes it a little less immersive
Blood pressure is bad enough.
I think it's the fact that game is predictably designed which brings it down and they make it up with moment scares more then anything, this is especially true for the Bathroom area, "Oh, looks I'm at page 1 or 7, and there is a good chance, no matter what, Mr. Slender will appear infront of the tight door way and get me killed because I can't avoid him, what's that? Look away? Yeah, if his next to you, you still get hallowed out mate."
Also, not even a quick write up ending from a Wiki or something once you get the full pages? "Cops came in next day, and found the body of a man, which was hallowed out in the forest, the they couldn't find the rest of the organs...also, another thing they found was a piece of black cloth..." the end, just give me something for spending so much time looking for the pieces of papers and dieing horrible death over and over again, if the Atmosphere is what I'm looking for, I can easily recreate it by shutting off all the lights in my house, hiding in the closet, take Melatonin, passing out, waking up hazy with only a tiny torchlight at 3AM and lets see trying to get out of your closet then.
I'm not easily scared, so when I actually do find something scary I sure hate it, and that's why I love it, lol
So gave it another go, and this time he were in the way so that I couldn't pick up a note, kept going, and end up not being able to find any darn notes.
Eventually though I managed to pick some up, and the change in music made you rather stressed out, as you got the feeling time was of importance, but still not that scared.
Now, picked up the fifth note, and the guy was behind me constantly, so gave the feeling he's actually running after you this time, which was quite scary really, so I bolted. Kept running, turned around, hmm, none there, keep running and then DEAD! So, for a moment I were moderately scared, but it did leave a bitter annoyed taste, thinking, can you actually finish this, or is it set up to end at the fifth, and/or is it time based?
But overall, quite good, better graphics and more foliage and stuff would've helped quite a bit though.. and him moving instead of just standing still, duh! Him standing behind a rock and me occasionally peeking out to have a look at his face just made him feel silly
I played it onece, got four pieces and then game up. You still gota hand it to them, it gave me chills. Not opening that fucker for a while!
Darkness + go boo = scary? This felt like a long drawn out thrill ride that started with me thinking "there's a paper stuck to one of these damn trees, isn't there?". It ended with slender man just magically catching me as I ran about, despite how the times I had run just past him. (also, why does the screen get static for looking at him? big disconnect.)
Really, as far as an indie game goes, it's alright really. So don't want to clank down on it, but if you want a proper goodie run, then go for fear (1 & 2) the third one doesn't seem to be that good, but dunno :x
This game has made me paranoid, haha.
we're so fucked...