Hi, this is my new work. It is a real time game model. Character has 8300 polys and rock has 600 polys. Background was done in Photoshop and i would like to thanx to Peleng/Sergey Kolesov/becouse he helped me with some work on background. I hope you like it. C&C are welcome

some more picture

Can we see the wireframe ?
Have some scale variation and maybe keep the belly area without those cracks
Obviously it will be hard to find a human with those kind of wrinkles for reference but a rhino or an elephant will be a good start.
Other than that very good work! :thumbup:
its art, you dont have to make sense.
i am stupid.
It needs to make sense in context. It needs to be plausible. It needs to keep immersion alive. It needs to make people not go "uhh.. what?".
Exactly. There should be drill marks or cracks (if the hole was punched) or maybe glowing bits if they're somehow magical.
just because you don't have to doesn't mean you shouldn't...