Making one of Tacit's wacky creations into a game model. Going to be hard to figure out all of the details but them shapes are too good to resist!
The concept,

Here's what i have so far for reference to breakdown the shapes

And my blockout thus far, i'm base meshing everything in maya and then i'l start zbrushing pieces and hardsurface modelling in maya once i have everything in place.

Here's what i have so far, still need to go over and do a high freq pass
Here's a little more done on this guy just starting to layer up the torso
Subjectively, I think some of the cool-ness is getting lost in the face. In the concept the facial forms are very skull like- The large fatman/gasmask take isnt bad- but I think the deviation is a little less cool. Again- subjective critique- take it or leave it :P
I think the face works really well with the oversized form of the body.
I personally realy like the face. I feel like what's getting lost is the penguin-like silhouette between the head and the shoulders - which is probably my favorite part of the of the overall concept.
@Konstruct yea man, i the way i see the concept is its more of a robot head than a human head or atleast a full mask, but for whatever reason i decided add in an organic area.
I think the silhouette will fix itself up once i add in more stuff, the large curve in the shoulders will be added once the backpack backing, straps and backpack itself are added and the front silhouette is just a matter of posing the arms to match the concept.
also did his first weapon today to take a break from the main character 478 tri's 1k tex
@tacit, i'd love some crits from you if you feel like certain things are straying too far from the concept.
Going to redo his boot design soon and start working on the gloves but for now heres a scifi bicycle pump... scary. i suppose its some kind of wire grabber/cutter (im going to assume this guy is some kind of technician, would be a cool theme to roll with i think).
The sword could use some tweaking to keep with the concept. On one side of the grip you'll see that the metal section under the grip extends over to the middle section before the blade.
Your really making all the right moves with this choice of concept. TBH Im suprised I havent seen a Tacit sketch done before. maybe cause some of the stuff he does is 3D already, but im glad your putting your own twist on it.
I think you should put some more guesture into his arms, and deffinately thicken them up a bit. give him more of a 'slouched' look
anyways keep it up dwog
Added some more shape into the arms as suggested - thanks. Also added some more changes/extra stuff... some stuff is still really rough so here's a really vague render :P
I'm going to be doing 3 versions of this guy, as if he was an upgradable character in a game. Tier 1 being his basic clothing + bullet jacket. Tier 2 is a little extra armor + one weapon and Tier 3 is all the breathing gear, backpack and both weapons.
Here's how the highpoly for tier 1 is looking at the moment. I completely replaced the crappy old boots with fresh ones today and just added the obligatory duct tape.
Fresh kicks
I think you need to stop and try to look at this from a 2d point of view. Any time someone looks at your models, they are looking at a 2d image. Some of the things that make Tacit's stuff cool is the simpler shapes and the sniped detail.
I made a paintover:
If you look back at tacits' concept, the boot has these big chunky shapes and some bits of detail that are really just brush stroke residue, but adds some teeth to it. Your boot has basically one large shape, and 2 tons of detail poured over top. Even the med sized detail you have is hard to pick out from the larger shape, made harder so by the similar detail that is spread over both surfaces, its more like one big shape and lots of nicks. (I could say the same for the face, it's one large chunk with tons of detail, not med skin folds, etc.)
Something I think a lot of artists miss early on is the fact that we are designers, so we should study design!
A good website to keep going back to is here:
In paticular for you:
You can add a ton of detail and it still look cool, like this:
Looks awesome, mainly because everything still reads.
On the back, there is a large leather vest taking up most of the space. (large)
Then ther are these strips of leather over some kind of mesh making up that vest (med)
and in each material, there is some distinct type of detail that seperates the two, (small)
If his model didn't have such strong medium shapes, it would probably be a huge chunk of noise, but as it stands, it's balanced and looks kick ass.
Your jacket and vest suffer from this. They are large shapes with these small details scattered on them.
Good luck!
I went over the clothing and hard polished/smoothed out a lot of the noisy details. He just has a few patches here and there on the clothing now. I think it looks a lot cleaner. I think the duct tape is a nice symmetry breaker though - so thats staying i think. Here's a matcap grey w/o paint
For the shoe. I went over and removed probably 60-70% of the damage but i didn't localise it as much as the clothing. I think boots in a post apocalyptic world are the most likely object to get "shotgun detail" on them, the details that are left have been made more subtle though, so hopefully it looks damaged now but isn't an eyesore. As for the shapes reading, i think the contrast in tones of the polypaint really helps to set the shapes apart from each other, i know the silhouette isn't anywhere near as broad as the concept, but i tried going in that direction and it didn't work out as i couldn't think of a way to construct them without having thousands of straps everywhere.
I think looking at the character as a whole, it has a lot of places for the eye to rest, the shorts and shirt especially are really large shapes without much cluttering them now that the details on them have been pulled back a little.