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Leap Motion + zbrush/mudbox

polycounter lvl 13
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devingeesr polycounter lvl 13
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQkKyOOyLSs&feature=plcp"]Leap Motion hands-on - YouTube[/ame]
How sick would it be to have.


  • devingeesr
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator

    The general consensus seemed to be less sweet and more meh.
  • devingeesr
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    devingeesr polycounter lvl 13
    What if it'd used as a way to move around the model and select tools?
    You can still use the wacom for drawing and stuff and use the other hand to control other elements.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Did you put some more thought into it ? I mean, how would you foresee (precisely) how this could be useful ? Either with Zbrush and Mud in their current state accepting 2D cursor inputs only, or even imagining some future support for the Leap in the future.

    Now I am not saying that this is not possible - but with the video above I see no practical application for demanding CG work. However if you can imagine an interesting way to use it for 3D (other than painful rotating and pinch-zoom to review the model) then this thread could be a good place to take things further and brainstorm fresh concepts and ideas :)

    I personally could see it being used for ... quad/radial menus. For instance, mounting the device above the keyboard and teaching it a few gestures triggering certain brushes, tools or actions. A very transparent integration - just a shortcut tool really (with close to nothing "fancy" happening on screen).

    As far as real time 3D manipulation I dont think it'll work too well if at all - because of the nature of our 3D programs really.
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 16
    pior wrote: »
    I personally could see it being used for ... quad/radial menus. For instance, mounting the device above the keyboard and teaching it a few gestures triggering certain brushes, tools or actions. A very transparent integration - just a shortcut tool really (with close to nothing "fancy" happening on screen).

    This functionality built into a cintiq or tablet pc would be neat.

    Stuff like the leap that lacks tactile feedback is pretty useless for 3d work.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    New wacoms have all the multi touch crap don't they?
  • gray
    i'm going to hold of judgement on these things until get to use one. you could probably get the thing to work in 3d but the problem i see is calculating pressure on the surface. with a wacom it works with a simple mechanism in the pen. but how would you measure the pressure of a stroke on the surface of a 3d object?
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    Necro. I just learned about this, apparently it's launching now. Sounds pretty badass, they say that Best Buy will at least carry them, I'm hoping they'll have a demo stand.

    https://www.leapmotion.com/ for an updated video.
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