This is a video I made showing how I did some of Chun-Li's clothing detail. The video is kind of rough given it was well after the fact (I have a bad memory) and also after building a new system.
I took on a lot of new challenges making Chun-Li. One of them was this odd thing that I tried for the first time using Illustrator. I hope to use it more in the future. It involves converting a raster mask into splines and then importing them in 3ds Max.
The other was purchasing a Smooth_Edges script and saving tons and tons of time controlling my mesh.
Hopefully people can get something out of this mess
Final Chun-Li is located here:
Why not just use the Bevel FX on the black and white mask in photoshop and Normal Map Filter it and if needed mask it further with gradients to make certain parts taper off differently?
Still, it's an interesting workflow. Thanks for sharing man, much appreciated.
I tried. It wasn't nice - and also what I needed turned out to be a lot more involved than that - especially for some areas.
Edit: I wanted it to work out so badly.
Cool video, thanks! I've wanted to play with that. I'm curious how it would have come out
The video is mostly about the techniques/possibilities. The actual thing I was doing turns out was probably pretty particular and involved
I got really excited about the Illustrator thing. I am always trying to find solutions for 2d -> 3d etc.. What I like about hte illustrator thing is it has a lot of control and yeilds something I understand and can control(in max). I've traced a lot of images by hand in Max