Hi there, new polycounter here! I have been working on this for quite some time now, and decided it was time to show it to the public. Hopefully you all can help me spot some imperfections and inaccuracies as I am certain it's not at it's fullest potential!:)
Any crits would be most appreciated! I still have a lot to do on this one.
And also decided to throw in a shot of the wire frame. It's a bit messy.
Also I believe the perforated hand guard on top of the barrel has much smoother edges and it's so angular.
I am so glad you pointed this out as I was supposed to fix this, but I must've forgotten about it. In any case, how does this look?
How does this look for the hand guard?
Thanks dude, will do! :thumbup: I am pretty much certain that I am going to have to work on the edges some more here, they still look rather sharp.. Especially, in the renders.
Second up, I had to re-do the feed cover due to it being extremely messy.. There isn't any real difference in terms of what you'll see in the renders, but it is definitely easier for me to work with now
I've also put some more work into the gas regulator knob, it's nothing major, but I've never really done anything like this before.