Wanted to show you my main piece of work of late, hopefully my final addition to a character portfolio, currently needs updating.
There are loads of annoying errors in my work that rather let it down, annoyed at my rate of progression, this is my 3rd/4th year doing this.
It's not easy making post-apoc soldiers stand out so i just did my best with the details:
*note: I didn't design the character, I just modelled him and mostly did as I was told.
Alright we have a lot of images to get through, simmer down, its your own time you're wasting.

mr composite render
1st attempt at Sub surface scattering.

2nd gun made since i started 3 years ago, pretty boring.
mr composite render

Viewport grabs shaders:

The real ingame model has a low poly head, but I decided to add a new higher poly one when testing my SSS shader.

May post one or 2 other pieces later, lower poly stuff or 2d.
Crit welcome.
And feedback on eligibility for industry, I'm told I should have a job already but I don't seem to have any luck.
I love the energy in that first pose but there's something a little off with his left arm and his torso. It looks like his upper left arm is twisted too far forwards/down for where the rest of his body is, and his chest/stomach look bent a little like spaghetti. I'd still use it because it stands out, but I'd fix up some of the shapes.
it's his shoulder, needs to be pulled back a bit.
Someone said somewhere on the forum that it's totally useless to put Mental Ray renders in your portfolio. If a model is not rendered ingame, it's not a game model. At least use Marmoset Toolbag or UDK...
Another thing : don't say that you did this in 4 years and that it's boring... you should enjoy your work. Why did you do that if you don't like it ?
Also, what's the size of each texture ? How many tris is the character ?
Anyway it looks good I think, except for the arm yeah ^^.
Bullshit, good art is good art regardless of render method. Ingame renders are required to prove you understand the tech and put it to good use. lighting, composition and presentation skills are universal and work regardless of the rendering pipeline.
to the OP
I think the folds on the pants are really noisy and random, I would try to isolate the most important shapes and focus on them and on global movement rather than trying to replicate every little fold
the gun texture is looking like it was weathered with sandpaper on every single edge, an active cop's gun is supposed to be cleaned up and taken care of at all times, not put in a washing machine with rocks.
But there is one thing that draw my attention: Some areas have a lot of poligons.
Some areas probably has just a bit more than I expect for such small areas, but his head has a huge density.
You could say that it is for facial movements, but what about his ears and back of the head?
Noone pointed that...am I missing something?
The original model had a low poly head, around 1500 perhaps, but I wanted to experiment with SSS shaders and smoother facial expressions, So i Zbrushed a new head with 6000 ish.
I had to use the UDK biped, a real hassle in the arms, and add facial bones.
I was never taught how to animate/3d rig beyond basics, so it was never going to go well.
the original character was around 20k
pov gun model = 7k
the textures were saved in 512's/2048's depending on gameplay/cutscene requirements.
I can do some later, a turntable perhaps?
threre are also some i havent seen yet
I share your frustration, it is a bloody pain in the ass trying to find work!
A problem you might be having is that the majority of your work seems to be the same style and aimed at high spec games. I think some nice low poly and different styled stuff would really help sell you as an artist.
Anyway, good luck with it all
I'm not great at painting in PS, not sure why i started it, was probably bored.
2 seperate left wing conspiracy theory/wackjob groups on facebook stole this image without even crediting me, pissed me right off.
Dont take it seriously as a political statement, its meant to mock that very sentiment.
This is awesome!!! And hilarious too. My only real crit is there is a tangent running along the dogs mouth and over to the zombie womans arm. That area. Really cool and very complete looking!
Good stuff though!
I love your material definitions and think the clothing is the strongest part of the model. Mouth looks a little weird in first shot :}
But my favorite piece is still the bust of Gimli, just awesome.