After seing the tunnel from the last recap i decided that it could be a good practice for me to make my own version of it. So i started working on it this week, here it is what i have so far i want to push it as much as i can and critics on this will be amaizing, i am still trying to figure out the lightng, i want it to have a clear feeling to it but i think it has too much white atm.

looking good btw
and if you intend to use these arches, then i can probably recommend to add some divisions too them, they are too angular now and it draws attention to them
please resize your pictures
and if you want clean look, then you surely dont want any very visible edges on your arches or whatever
You also might want to take a look at some sci fi concepts - floor panels especially usually have a lot more going on in them. More divisions/patterns on each tile, maybe some mesh grating or floor lights or maybe even some sci fi decals on the floors and walls to add more to the scene.
You could maybe add some wall/ceiling tubing to make some intersecting forms on those arches that lead the eye to the door. The door is a little bit plain, maybe add a logo of what the door leads too, like "Level 02" or "Docking Bay" or something.
I know you're going for clean sci fi but don't be afraid of color. You could really use some in this scene. Maybe bump up the saturation of that blue and add more blue design elements on the floor and/or ceiling. You could have some fun with the obligatory sci fi holographic computer screen floating on that computer panel you have on the left with a map of the ship or something, just little elements to make it interesting and keep the viewer from getting bored.
You'll also need to play with your lighting, it's looking a little washed out right now. There doesn't seem to be any shadows anywhere which I think is what's making it look flat.
Good work so far though, keep the updates comin'.