Hey guys, I figured now was as good a time as any to start posting my work on polycount so here it goes! I've been working on a day/night cycle in UDK for a project I'm working on and this is the progress so far. If anyone's got any crit and feedback I'd greatly appreciate it, I'm always looking to improve

Anyway, here's the current version, I've since fixed the wind issues with the grass (foolishly forgot to recreate the wind actor after a crash), and re-exported the trees with wind that doesn't look like a nuclear blast, so please try and forgive that until I get an updated version together

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zGxKXEQHOA"]UDK Day Night Cycle - Test 1 - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, that's fixed, was simply a missing wind actor
With the clouds and shadows, how did you do that? just shadows off the skybox?
or something else?
Thanks, I haven't set up any cloud shadows yet, if/when I do I'll probably just set up a spotlight with a light function so that might be worth a try.
I also have an issue I hope someone knows how to fix as it plagues most of my projects so far but there seems to be an issue with transparent materials and their interaction with fog? This screenshot should make the problem clearer but it seems that the fog doesn't affect the water. I'm guessing this is an alpha sorting issue of some description?
Material Properties - Translucency:
Allow Fog - Whether the material should allow fog or be unaffected by fog. This only has meaning for materials with translucent blend modes.
I think this should fix it?
@AzzaMat, Yeah, it's currently just there as a test for a flashlight for the project; I just wanted to get an idea of how it would illuminate and contribute to the atmosphere
looking really good
Do you have the night day working inside matinee? or is there other ways to do it?
Thanks! Yeah, it's set up with a matinee sequence controlling the sun rotation, material parameters, fog densities, etc and a few kismet delays to control the post process volumes. As far as I'm aware it's matinee or uscript and I only know reeeaaally basic uscript stuff.
how did you do fog densities? sounds awesome
with the light you used for the sun/moon what kind of light did you use, and did you just apply it to affect the skydome only?
anyway how goes the progress anyway?