Hi guys,
Should have posted this up from the beginning but never too late to do, so i'll post up the progress so far
Base Mesh

High Poly

*** Made a few changes to the high poly before the bake so this isnt 100% accurate to the one used below ***
Retopo'd, Normal, Diffuse, Spec ( 2048x2048 )

Eyes were placed wrongly and needed darkening too

Still to do: If i have space on the UV (which i think i do at a squeeze, then it'll be adding sholder-length hair and possibly a bag or something extra.
Any crits on work already done or ideas as to how to move forward will be appreciated

You've got a good start, but there is plenty of room for improvement.
as far as the chest hair goes i was goin for the Alec Baldwin look
-- http://www.thefastertimes.com/politics/files/2011/06/alec-baldwin.jpg
And i know it's still not gr8
Lots to do now! Thank you