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bath/shower asset

Hi all!

Recently I had an art test, which unfortunately was not good enough to get me an internship. The main reason for this is 4 months after graduating, I was becoming overly complacent, and the skill-set was getting rusty. But this experience has given me the kick I needed to get more self-motivated.

So, I have taken my art test, and improved on it in a few ways. Here is the before/after:



The first thing you will probably notice is that the shower curtains are vastly improved. I feel this was the weakest part of the original piece.

Originally I was unable to get the 3ds Max cloth simulator to work on my computer. So for the improved version, I decided to try Maya's and lo-and-behold, it works like a charm! So I had to make the curtains in Maya, and then export them into my Max scene :poly124:


  • wirrexx
    Offline / Send Message
    wirrexx quad damage
    clearly an improvment, i remember this art from a week ago i think. The walls behind the bath is alot better. I think the whole scene has gotten better not just the Curtain. However. I kind of like the nasty/dirty look the first one had.

    And i do feel that the bath seems to be floating over the floor a bit and not onto it. But for CoD and being the FPS it is, you as a player wouldn't notice it =)
  • DaRkL3AD3R
    Yeah I agree with wirrexx. I appreciated the "dirty" feel to the original.

    Not that there's anything wrong with your current one, just that the original looks like it has more life to it, a story if you will.

    Still, good job nonetheless.
  • moondog760
    I am going to be turning this into an environment. I am thinking of making it a derilict bathroom of sorts. So the grime of the old texture may be making a come-back :poly124:

    I've made a quick sketch for composition/lighting:


    I wanted to make the light rays shine on a decorative mystery chest. Who knows what horrors or treasures lie inside? :poly124:
  • leleuxart
    Offline / Send Message
    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    Definitely an overall improvement, but the new curtain definitely looks better. Looking forward to the environment
  • Kdogma
    I would also make sure that chest/box thing on the sink matches the time period/feeling. Its looking a bit out of place currently. Try to make everything in the scene help tell the story! Why is the place derelict, perhaps give some hints as to what building this is the bathroom of. Was there a murder here? Was there a gunfight here? You have a lot of opportunities to tell a story. Keep it up!
  • moondog760
    Thanks for the feedback! I'm going to try and give everything an art deco style, and for the chest I want to give it lots of intricate detail and an art deco design. I may make a close up detail sketch of the chest before modeling it out.

    I also may have to rework the texture of the bath/shower piece to give it more of an art deco feel. I'm thinking of making this a post-WWIII setting. So, kinda like Fallout I guess :poly124: Then all my assets will need to have a similar level of grunge as in the first image posted in this thread.

    I'm gonna start making some high polys for the art deco assets. I should have updates soon!
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