Hi all!
Recently I had an art test, which unfortunately was not good enough to get me an internship. The main reason for this is 4 months after graduating, I was becoming overly complacent, and the skill-set was getting rusty. But this experience has given me the kick I needed to get more self-motivated.
So, I have taken my art test, and improved on it in a few ways. Here is the before/after:


The first thing you will probably notice is that the shower curtains are vastly improved. I feel this was the weakest part of the original piece.
Originally I was unable to get the 3ds Max cloth simulator to work on my computer. So for the improved version, I decided to try Maya's and lo-and-behold, it works like a charm! So I had to make the curtains in Maya, and then export them into my Max scene :poly124:
And i do feel that the bath seems to be floating over the floor a bit and not onto it. But for CoD and being the FPS it is, you as a player wouldn't notice it
Not that there's anything wrong with your current one, just that the original looks like it has more life to it, a story if you will.
Still, good job nonetheless.
I've made a quick sketch for composition/lighting:
I wanted to make the light rays shine on a decorative mystery chest. Who knows what horrors or treasures lie inside? :poly124:
I also may have to rework the texture of the bath/shower piece to give it more of an art deco feel. I'm thinking of making this a post-WWIII setting. So, kinda like Fallout I guess :poly124: Then all my assets will need to have a similar level of grunge as in the first image posted in this thread.
I'm gonna start making some high polys for the art deco assets. I should have updates soon!