So I'm doing a little project for my portfolio while off school. I decided to do something somewhat straightforward as I've not modeled in about 3 months. This last semester I was learning Adobe Flash and such. Anyhow, I bases the model off a blueprint from , and a few other pics of real or modeled Hellfire missiles. I pretty much am done with the high poly so I did some default lighting clay renders real quick for review. The back side is basically freestyle as most pictures don't show the back end; if they do, real missiles have some kind of dust/debris shield covering the backside propulsion opening from what I've seen.
I want to make this game engine friendly as well, so I'm going to do a low-poly version for Normal baking. I have not delved into the whole baking thing much, so I have a few questions as well from more seasoned vets.
1. When I go low-poly, should I just make a copy of the high-poly and degenerate it?
2. Will the low-poly version need those holes in the thruster, or will the baking simulate that?
3. When I texture, do I texture the uvw's for the high-poly and bake those to the low as well???
Crits and comments welcome on the model so far would be great as well.:)

not much to say right now, though - it'll probably be mostly texture work what makes it look nice.
i do think some more thought and reference gathering will have to go into how the fins are attaching though. - and we need bolts and part lines obviously.
Why dont you make something a little more challenging? the missile is a 1 hour modeling project tops.
@North: Since I hadn't modeled in awhile, just getting the UI down and hot-keys etc, took me over an hour. I would love to model the whole tripod thing or some kind of launcher, but for now just was executing a good clean model project to re-acclimate myself to 3ds Max. I want to really work on the texturing/baking/polypainty workflow. I will probably bring this into Mudbox for overall paint job, then PS for the decals and such, then finalizing the materials in Max for the clear front glass and "laser glow" maybe for the designator.
what im saying is: dont overcomplicate a process.
Another thing is that you might want to exaggerate the falloff on the rivets if you want them to bake
@Aga22, I thank you for the feedback, I'll prolly skip the Mudbox thing for now. I just don't really know how to make metal look like metal inPS.
But to answer your question, you have enough geo for the rivets for a bend modifier (not sure what the max term for this is) to warp them to match the round shape of the missile body.