Hi everybody, i decided to join this competition. The main idea is to create a character that looks totally sluggish, also deadly dangerous, and have a big political weight, like top-level lord or so. So he have permission for killing, sodomy and cannibalism, etc. I'll try to use details from medieval clothes and combine it with necro-sadistic, BDSM thematics. All kind of comments and critics are more than welcome!
My first sketch, shows the weight of a character, and few details:

And speedy sculpt of the future body of this beast:

The fire started!!! :poly142:
good luck, men!
Thanks for your opinion
SharDCG, thans, you too
Slowly pushing things out
The sculpt is looking good so far, and you can't go wrong with codpieces.
SharDCG, веном был в памперсах)
New update, was terribly busy