Hey guys quick question that im sure some of you gurus will probably be able to solve pretty easily. Im getting some weird artifact when chamfering some edges on a support im making for a modular sci-fi corridor.
You can see them here as indicated by the red arrows. Im pretty sure this happens where ever 5 edges or more meet, but after half an hour of trying to solve this issue decided to come here and ask for some help. Any ideas as to how i can prevent this from happening and still get a nice chamfer on the edge? (This is a low poly model so adding edge loops and using turbosmooth is not an option)
Thanks for any help you can offer,
You can either deal with it and just collapse the two edges it made with the new triangles, use obliviboy's custom script, or you can remove the two edges before chamfering (select edges, press backspace). These green edges aren't needed anyways. Once the edges are removed you can chamfer and it will work fine.
If for some reason you need those edges AFTER chamfering here is what you do.
If you are trying to stay all quads it might be smarter to route the edges up and over the top instead of off to the sides. But the "all quad dogma" can get you in trouble and make the model harder to work with by creating poles...
If you go with a 5 sided poly in the corner it makes life a lot easier by removing the pole and allowing the edge to flow down the model.
This might not be optimal for your end result, but its works best for the chamfer, you can always recreate the edges again afterwards.
One more question, im also making a modular corridor, and was wondering if there was a way to reposition the pivot point onto certain vertices to make it easier to create 22.5, 45 and 67.5 degree variations of the corridor?
enable affect pivot only, and enable snaps toggle (make sure to check that vertex are enabled by right clicking on the icon)
and your good to go.