Final Update:
[ame=""]UDK Ocean Test - YouTube[/ame]
That vid shows using the ocean shader that I made in a WIP level for my game demo project. You will be able to see some of game stylization that is going on, and thus why I went for that wave shape from day 1.
Now there is a single problem in that demonstration, which have been pointed out by UDK's community, is that the sun specular is almost non-existant. So I fixed that [ame=""]here[/ame] if you'd like to see it. This link is kind of irrelevant, as I'm showing my latest programming updates, but you get to see the ocean with the fix in the begining and in the end of it.
So the shader is pretty much wrapped up in terms of main features, I'm at 245 instruction count. I have more ideas, but that will contribute in making it more expensive so I was like just ok I'll go with this and it'll suffice.
Hope you like it.

Update 3:
[ame=""]UDK Ocean with stylized waves [WIP 3] - YouTube[/ame]
Update 2:
[ame=""]UDK Ocean with stylized waves [WIP 2] - YouTube[/ame]
Original Post:
Hey guys!
I've been working on an ocean shader which will be part of my portfolio project. I'm not done with it yet, but I wanted to hear some thoughts from you guys. Any crits are welcomed.

[ame=""]UDK Ocean with stylized waves [WIP] - YouTube[/ame]
And of course, it is better viewed in HD.
Best Regards,
Hamad Al-Hasan
Gameplay Programmer & Technical Artist
Stylized often means the artist just doesn't want to spend the time and effort to make realistic waves. If you're going for a particular graphic style, show your references.
Also would help to talk about what layers you have so far, what you've put into it.
The demo I'm working on has a cartoonic feel to it. The shape of the waves do not look realistic which helps what I'm going for. My goal is to have things somewhat stylized in shape only, but the shading however is realistic.
What I have there are 4 layers of displacement maps that get converted to a single normal map which adds alot of variation. Each displacement is actually a single channel in a texture. So, I have an RGBA texture and each channel has a variation of wave displacement. So instead of blending 4 normal maps, I can just have one texture and create 4 variations out of it.
Another texture has in its RGB, foam, sparkles and a variation mask. The third and last is render-to-texture to be used for real-time reflections. There are no diffuse maps, all colors are procedurally generated based on a wave gradient. You can manually paint shallow areas, like where the camera is on in the video.
That's pretty much where I'm at now. I will add some vertex displacement and few tweaks to wrap it up.
You can see that shapes are stylized, but the materials and lighting are kind of realistic. I'm aiming for something like that.
That city is just a reference, what my team is currently working on is an italian village which will be stylized in a similar manner. We just finished blocking out the environment. I went ahead and worked on this ocean shader to use it in the environment. I will probably make another thread on that once it reaches a presentable stage.
Thanks for your input, I'll do my best.
Some ideas:
Hey Eric, thanks for your input. Actually there is a frensel term, I just as you said need to pump up the reflection strength. As for the colors, I honestly didn't spend quality time on tweaking them, however that is on my list and also will use different settings (day / sunset / night) in order to make it as flexible as possible.
Thanks alot, I'll do my best in the next update.
The bump texture is looking a bit too billowy, a bit more like mud than like water. Ocean water usually has sharper peaks and rounded valleys. Here's an example from Dreamscape, an old plugin for 3ds Max. It is getting closer to water, but still looks a bit rubbery. Maybe you can adjust your input noise patterns?
Very useful reference, much appreciated. You are right, the bump texture does not look like actual waves, what I was going for really is getting the bumps to look stylized while keeping the shading/motion realistic as much as possible. However, once my work is completed I'm definately going to test out a proper bump texture to try to get realistic results, though I'm not going to use it for my demo project, just out of curiosity.
Worth to mention that shader is further optimized and it's at 176 of instruction count.
Thanks again for your support and glad you liked it so far.
Hope you guys like.
When I hear the words "Stylized Waves" I automatically think of this or this.
It's just a small touch of stylization where the wave normals are not 100% realistic. That's it. If you look at the level too, you will see assets being somewhat "wonky", while using realistic textures (photo sourced). So it's just a touch of stylization, and that's it.
Thanks for the feedback.
One thing that bugs me, the scrolling speed is very fast for the scale of the scene. It looks more like a fast-running river. The speed could change to 1/2 or 1/3.
Also perhaps the scale of the wave pattern could be smaller, to match the scale of the docks and people. It kind of makes the scene look like a miniature set.
Thanks for the feedback on the scale and wave speed. Consider it done!