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Marvel Movie News! Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, etc.

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Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
Here's a link with some info: http://www.newsarama.com/film/sdcc-2012-marvel-studios-guardians-of-the-galaxy.html

The movies that will be coming over the next two years are:
Guardians of the Galaxy
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World

I'm MOST excited for Captain America, because the Winter Soldier storyline is one of my favorite comic story arcs ever, and I think they set themselves up for it pretty well in the first one.

I'm really surprised to see Guardians of the Galaxy is actually being made. Never been a big fan of the comics, but I haven't even bothered with any of the more recent ones, maybe they're good. It's really shocking to see characters like Drax, Gamora, and Rocket Raccoon coming to theaters, but I'm excited.


  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    I'm interested to see what the reaction to Ant-Man will be
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    Ryswick wrote: »
    I'm interested to see what the reaction to Ant-Man will be

    well if they spin em right and include his giant-man persona it could go well.
  • Dduoas
    I want to see Iron Man 3 more than others
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Never heard of the first two. I'll see the last three though.
  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    I would have never dreamed in all my life that they would fork out the money to do a Marvel cosmos Movie. "Guardians of the Galaxy" is going to rock so much! Raccoon Rocket FTW!

    It's sad to say that the Marvel Cosmos is so over looked as it has some of the greatest Marvel character created!
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    I just hope that they pull a little bit of ant mans asshole traits from the comics for the movie. I liked him much more when he was humanized by having "little man" syndrome. I love to hate that guy!
  • Pangahas
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    Pangahas polycounter lvl 10
    I'm really excited about Guardians of the Galaxy.The Annihilation Conquest series was pretty much the last comics I bought(can't afford em now).I hope it would be awesome and I really hope they use the Ultron storyline which I think would tie in well with Antman and the Avengers.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    TheGodZero, that's from the Ultimate Marvel line of comics, which has a "modernized" take on all of their characters. By modernized, I mean everyone acts like an asshole. In their regular continuity, Pym has a serious inferiority complex, and is pretty unbalanced, but he's not a murderer.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Id love it if Ultron gets created to help fight off Thanos in Avengers 2.

    He didn't kill her... just almost killed her... It felt so good to see him then get his ass kicked by the rest of the team for that shit. They both are the same traits just they just took it to an extreme in the ultimate's. But yeah id take the non ultimate's still an asshole with a huge inferiority complex and a little less unbalanced.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Is Pym going to beat his wife in the movie, too?
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    Hugh wrote: »
    up until now I thought ant-man was a guy who could grow as large as buildings or small as a ant. Not just the size of a ant....BORING!!!
    He can grow as large as a building also. He couldn't always, but it is something that he was able to do pretty early on - since the second or third issue of the Avengers, I believe. I don't know if they'll include this in the movie but I would assume so.

    Also: I'm a big fan of Ant-Man, but I really don't like how he is depicted most of the time nowadays. I hope they cut out any dickisness and wife-beating and portray a more silver-age ant-Man for the sake of the movie. Also, the wife-beating thing... that actually only happened ONCE in the normal Marvel continuity, and I think his wife was being mind-controlled and doing something horrible at the time IIRC. The dude can't live it down though.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah i think going THAT far would be too far by a long shot. But it's part of who he is to try and pull shit like that. He thinks hes the shit, and hates that the world doesn't see it that way. Hes constantly surrounded by people smarter and just better than him and he hates it. he wants to be THE hero, not just another hero among many.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Seriously, they need to include the wife beating. Its a serious subject that really adds to Hank and Wandas depth. As well as showing a serious issue. They shouldnt whitewash who he is. Otherwise he won't be believable and the movie will bomb.

    Also his wife wasn't mind controlled.she discovered a plot.by him to release a.robot that only he could stop so he could take credit for it.

    Maybe make the story happen after their divorce with references to the abuse alone would be enough.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    oXYnary wrote: »
    Seriously, they need to include the wife beating. Its a serious subject that really adds to Hank and Wandas depth. As well as showing a serious issue. They shouldnt whitewash who he is. Otherwise he won't be believable and the movie will bomb.

    Doesn't seem likely, people got upset when a bunch of rapists and murderers also happened to call Cat Woman a bitch in Arkham City. If villains have to live up to such high standards, what of the heroes?
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    oXYnary wrote: »
    Seriously, they need to include the wife beating. Its a serious subject that really adds to Hank and Wandas depth. As well as showing a serious issue. They shouldnt whitewash who he is. Otherwise he won't be believable and the movie will bomb.

    Also his wife wasn't mind controlled.she discovered a plot.by him to release a.robot that only he could stop so he could take credit for it.

    Yeah, I didn't remember the context exactly. I found an interesting article by the original writer of the story that shines some new light on it, though: Hank Pym Was Not a Wife Beater

    Also, I really don't think excluding him beating his wife would be "white-washing who he is". The punisher once gunned down innocent civilians because they were jay walking. Peter Parker accidentally broke Gwen Stacy's neck, killing her. In either case, I wouldn't say that's "Who they are" or that excluding those moments from their respective movies was somehow white washing the true nature of the character. Maybe you've only read stories where ant-man was behaving that way, but that is nowhere near the character I associate with And-Man. I just see him as a brilliant, yet quirky scientist and hero.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Excited for Iron Man 3 :)
  • Lephenix
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    Lephenix polycounter lvl 6
    Excited for all :) .
  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    Pangahas wrote: »
    I'm really excited about Guardians of the Galaxy.The Annihilation Conquest series was pretty much the last comics I bought(can't afford em now).I hope it would be awesome and I really hope they use the Ultron storyline which I think would tie in well with Antman and the Avengers.

    Could do, All I know is that Guardians is a setup to introduce Thanos to Avengers 2.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    What better way to battle Thanos than by activating the Ultron project droids.

    IM3, finishes his plot line, and starts down the line of nano tech.
    Thor 2, introduces the Infinity Gauntlet and has it go missing at the end.
    AntMan, Introduces Pym and his shrinking tech and the start of the Ultron project.
    GotG, introduces Thanos and shows off the power of the Infinity Gauntlet.
    Avengers2, Thanos with fully powered Gauntlet vs Avengers, they fail and Pym uses Ultron to even the odds and save the day.

    That's my guess.
  • iya12
    wow!! great movies coming our way...can't wait to see tony stark :)
    chinese shirts
  • 3DFM
    iya12 wrote: »
    wow!! great movies coming our way...can't wait to see tony stark :)
    chinese shirts

  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    There ain't a chance in hell that you're going to see spousal abuse in a Marvel movie. They're still leery about doing the alcoholism business with Iron Man (I'm pretty sure I read that it won't make an appearance in Iron Man 3 either) and that's a lot easier for your average punter to swallow than a hero who beats up on his wife.

    With Edgar Wright at the helm, I think you're more likely to wind up with something with a more humourous tone than the rest of Marvel's films, and they're not exactly dark and gritty to begin with.
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