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[Portfolio] - Alex Wells, Prop and Environment Artist

polycounter lvl 12
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biofrost polycounter lvl 12

Hellos, I would love some crits on the work in my portfolio. As of now there is only three items but I have another prop almost done and a environment coming together. I would rather go for quality or quantity.

So be honest and straight with me, after looking at your own work for so long it becomes hard to judge how good(or not good) it is.

As for the site, I plan on ditching carbonmade once I get the money to buy my own domain.


  • Sean VanGorder
    Hey man, a couple things jumped out at me right off the bat.
    • I think there is too much negative space in the shots of your props. Over half of the screenshots are a plain gray background, and the shots aren't that big to begin with.

    • Posting some texture flats would benefit you, showing that you are efficient with your UV layouts and texturing.

    • I would include an email address on your images. You could put it in the bottom where it says "Marmoset Toolbag" since the image already has the Marmoset logo on it.

    • I would also make the thumbs a little larger, but that may be personal preference.

    You have the right idea with going for quality over quantity, but you also have to consider the subject matter. The two props you have now are a little on the plain side. If you are going to just have a few props, I would try to go for something that will really push you in terms of modeling and material definition.

    You've definitely improved a ton since you first joined Polycount, so keep it up. Hope that helps!
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks for the feedback Sean!

    The thumbs I wish could be bigger and that's the main reason I want to leave carbonmade for my own domain. With their free account that's as large as the thumbs can be and even in the main pictures that is as large as they can go. I figure if im going to pay for anything, I might as well have full control over how the site looks and functions.

    I defiantly have some more interesting props on the way so those will be replaced with new ones.

    Will be making changes to fix the negative space and email. Thanks again!
  • sybrix
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    sybrix polycounter lvl 13
    I agree with what's already been stated and wanted to suggest weebly as an awesome free user friendly site for your folio. You have a ton more control over the look and content of your website. I switched to there from carbonmade because I was having the same frustration with thumb sizes and whatnot. Check it out!

    Your environment that you have on there looks great; can't wait to see more from you.
  • Darkleopard
    Couple things that haven't been mentioned. You deus ex scene has 'futuristic dumpster' at the bottom as the description, i'm sure that was just an accident when comping all this stuff.

    I would get a professional email address, something like 'Firstnamelastname3D@ ____. The one you have now will be harder for people to remember, and is just not as professional.

    I moved from carbonmade to weebly to and im much happier :)
  • rustim
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    rustim polycounter lvl 10
    Remember that when you're making your portfolio, you're not just displaying technical ability, but also showing artistry and creativity. You will be more appealing to a potential employer if you show you can create some models/scenes that portray interesting and new ideas. Next time you create something try and create some context/story for the piece, you may find it helps push your ideas further and get more interesting work as a result.
  • wasabi
    Agreed with Darkleopard on weebly. I also moved from carbonmade to weebly which has much better options on designing your folio.
    I like you enviroment a lot!!!!! That futuristic dumpster is a bit disapointing when compared to your awesome environment..
  • Mask_Salesman
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    Mask_Salesman polycounter lvl 15
    Nice start,
    But those texture sizes are crazy big for such small props, 2048 for a dumpster? 1024 & 512 for a sci-fi flowerpot?
    One 512 max for any of that.
    The deux ex scene is a good start, replace the dumpster & flowerpot with two more scenes, perhaps a medieval and a modern to show variation.
    sci-fi is very clean, so those would give you a better chance to show texturing ability.
    That alleyway scene would do for the modern one.

    Gud luck with it :)
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks for the input everyone! I think I will switch to weebly soon. I only sent my portfolio out to one place to if it's a no or I just don't hear back from them ill switch. Wouldn't want to switch and delete the carbonmade one if there looking at it!

    @Mask_Salesman: yeah they are a bit big. I figured since they were portfolio pieces it would be alright to have them a larger so everything looked crisp. I downsized the textures and they still seem to look alright.

    Added some texture sheets to the Deus Ex scene and should have a new environment by next week from the game artist Collaboration Challenge(if it turns out well)
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    So in your guys opinion should this prop replace something already in my portfolio or just add to it to have 4 items or not use it at all?

  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Slight bump to get an opinion on this. Got lost since it was posted near 4 am
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    I say add it as extra. And if you feel like it i think you should do more modular pieces for it like a turn, cross way and maybe a stair?
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    maybe you should make something more organic? you have already proved, you can do hard surface, move on. flex some art muscles in another direction or you will stagnate... and you can show some range. good stuff so far!
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    I want to do more organic stuff, just want to be sure I show what im good at first. I do have some tree's but I referenced the 3d motive tree tutorial a lot and I don't think having something done along with a tutorial would be good for a portfolio.
  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    If you want to do a foliage scene, it's not bad to do the tutorial first, since as far as I know it's a fairly standard and generic way to make foliage.

    I'd say, just make sure after you done it, to grab a couple of references of trees you like, and just make a set of trees/flowers/plants that weren't done in the tutorial.

    You can compare it to a hard surface tutorial that teaches you how to make a aircraft, making the aircraft with the tutorial next to you isn't gonna be very convincing as portfolio piece, but using the concepts you learned from it to make a tank (for example) isn't gonna hurt, that's how people learn this stuff usually :p

    And if you do a scene like this (up to you) it also gives you some opportunity's to do some things such as rocks, some wood planks (maybe a small bridge/boat next to a river/etc).

    Maybe even go wild, do maybe a small japanese foliage scene, lots of stuff you can do away to break away from that tutorial, to show that you can apply those concepts, and do more then just follow the tutorial.

    To close it off, just a quick thing that is bugging me on your last piece.
    Redo the scratches on the vent, now it just looks as if you scribbled a bit on your texture instead of making actual scratches/worn off metal there.
    And they really stand out because they don't match the general style of the other wear on the piece, it's almost as if someone else came along and did those.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks for the feedback joeriv!

    I have updated the original post with the new url. I switched to weebly as others have suggested and created a more professional email address.


    Sent my portfolio a few places, I hope to hear back from at least one, even if it is a no. The waiting is what kills you.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    well, if you want show more range get away from sci-fi. most skip thru all the sci-fi crap it just blends in man. Stand out, that's what you want. you want to stand out and catch someone's eye after skimming thru 30 sci-fi scenes shit just gets boring going thru applications.

    change your palette, and you should start raising eye brows.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Changing my palette is indeed what I plan on doing. Once I get enough done i'll start a deticated topic for it but this will be my next scene.

    I think ill be doing a few days of pre planning before I even open maya.

    (Concept by John Liberto)
  • wasabi
    It will be epic when done nicely... can't wait..
  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 14
    ha good luck man good luck.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    That looks, waaaay hot. Build out chunks rather then small modeling assets. Will save you time later when placeing everything together.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Remember that this is a vertical piece, you'll need to work some magic with the FOV to make this work. If you have a rotatable monitor you can use it and then configure your desktop to a vertical one and maybe work UDK or something like it that one to get a proper vertical screenshot with a high FOV. :)
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Damn, that is huge, will be fun to see how you approach this ;)

    As chrisradsby says you need to find a FOV that works, cause this scene has some crazy perspective, but I hope you figure it out cause I love vertical scenes like this, makes them look massive :)
  • Barnhill8
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    I did a breakdown for the sections I think ill have the most issues with.

    The section outlinethe rest of the towers have a more asian style like the green chunk so ill be able to reuse and rotate it to create the rest of the tower.

    The orange highlights areas will used a tillable brick texture with a reusable unique unwrap for the windows.

    The blue is just highlighting some objects connected to the building that will need to be uniquely unwrapped.

    As for the rest of the scene im not too worried about, ill just need to get the scale right in the block out.

    Feel free to offer any other suggestions on how to break this down more!
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    Ribbon textures, all i have to say. Forget about depending on too many uniquely unwrapped things. If you want to be an environment artist, concern yourself with ribbon and tiled textures.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    I plan on using tons of tiled and ribbon textures. Honestly the only few things that will need to be unique might be the windows and a few other props( like the street lights)

    Finishing up this prop from awhile back. I wanted to get any almost finished projects out of the way,it may replace the mass effect planter as I think it is the weakest of the bunch

  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    awesome DOF bro :D
    i guess this is how i will see things when my eyesight turns to crap.

    model looks nice, but texture could use more material variety. for example you could make rims metallic or add some black plastic here and there.

    also, is there a reason for leaving all those useless edge loops there? i recall your other models had the same issue.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    There actually is a reason this time. I modeled the entire thing(with the exceptions of the tires) as one mesh. I was trying to not have any wasted uv space by not floating anything in front of it. I could easily go back and split it up though.

    Edit: Yeah splitting the model up and removing the edge loops shaved off almost thousand tri's elHuR.jpg
  • Justin DeVore
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    Justin DeVore polycounter lvl 4
    Ribbon textures, all i have to say. Forget about depending on too many uniquely unwrapped things. If you want to be an environment artist, concern yourself with ribbon and tiled textures.

    What are you referring to when you say "ribbon textures?" I haven't heard that term before and a stroll through the wiki and a search through the forums yielded nothing but hits for Max's ribbon UI. Maybe there's a more commonly used term for the same method that I'm more familiar with?
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Another term would be trim textures, a good example would be here. http://www.thiagoklafke.com/modularenvironments.html
  • Justin DeVore
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    Justin DeVore polycounter lvl 4
    biofrost wrote: »
    Another term would be trim textures, a good example would be here. http://www.thiagoklafke.com/modularenvironments.html

    Ah, thank you. I guess I just never had a word for that. That's a fantastic tutorial, by the way.
  • letronrael
    Your renders look blurry, try sharpening them out a bit
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Because my Flooded China town environment is such a huge project and will take a month or two im guess. I am also working on smaller scenes and props in between to sharpen my skills.

    The first of is almost done I feel deserves a spot in the old portfolio!

    Just need to texture the gate and add some plants on the sides and get the ground textured! Crits as always are welcome and encouraged!
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    diggin the roof. cant wait to see this finished. is this in unreal? can we see a wire shot at all?
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Yup this is in UDK, the roof is using DX 11 Tessellation.

    Here's the wires in Maya, the wires in UDK look all busy due to the tessellation.

  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Well after applying to a ton of studios and getting only one reject letter(Much respect to them for at least replying!) It is clear my folio is not up to par. While I figure out how to get the perspective right for the flooded chinatown scene(if It can be sorted out) I have shifted my focus on this scene.

    I think its clear my folio is just average and that just won't cut it. I'm hoping to replace everything in there with new and better work. I only have a part time job for now so it's going to be nonstop cranking out work untill I have to start paying back student loans.

    I'm still in the process of blocking things out but this scene has been much more enjoyable to work on.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Not really worthy of a dedicated topic yet but if anyone has some crits so far I would love to hear them!

    I'm pretty sure this will be my next piece then I will go back to the flooded chinatown environment. Just having too much fun with this one.

    Not sure if there is a better way to do gravel...
    Oh hey look ive got wood!
  • Sean VanGorder
    Hey man, off to a good start on this. I know it's still early, but just some things to keep in mind.

    I think one of the biggest issues environment artists have at first is that of making everything in their worlds at perfect angles. That isn't to say that everything in the scene should be beat up or destroyed, but creating everything out of perfect rectangles and straight lines will never look quite right in most cases, unless it's something like a pristine sci-fi hallway. Even by breaking up the lines a little you'll create a subtle effect that will feel more natural to a viewer and add a lot more character to a scene.

    The biggest offender at the moment is the wooden walkway and supports, in my opinion. Adding some slight bowing and bending of the wood will add some visual interest to it, instead of it reading as cube primitives with a wood material applied. Depending on how old this area is you could also do the same with the roofing. Chip some pieces off of it and break it up some.

    Looking forward to seeing this progress.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks for the advice Sean! I really need to break that habit of perfect angles.

    Right now each section modular but I may combine it into one mesh so I wont have the same bends for each one. I don't want to take it too far because I wanted this area to only be a few years old but just slightly so it does not have that cube primitive look.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Updated with a new finished prop

    I removed the dumpster and mass effect inspired prop, added the water cart and a section for two wips im working on.Also made new banners for each section. Starting back up full steam for both of the scenes!
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Would like to updated that I changed the lighting up in my Deus Ex scene, after a few people told me is was looking a tad bit too dark.

    These are the three environments im working on right now, trying to just churn through work!
    and the Normandy SR2
    and of course still working on the Japanese garden, just not wanting to show that untill I get a bit more done.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I really like the update on Deus Ex, I don't think you'll have much trouble finding work once you finish everything. My only worry is everything is Sci-fi so you might have a hard time applying at studios that don't focus on that genre.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks zac!

    I'm hoping the Japanese garden breaks up some of the Sci fi. its just taking a bit longer since I have not done as much natural stuff. I also want to put in some random foliage and such to add some variation.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Still working on the Japanese garden but taking my time. Just got ZBrush so i'll be redoing most of my scene to incorporate that and plan it out a bit better.I was not really happy with the current composition of the original. Until then I'm throwing together a really small scene that can go in my folio that wont take long to finish up.

    Just need a few plants and I think I can put this in. Really wanted to push DX 11 effects for this one.

    Of course C&C are welcome.
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    As others said your space utilization is pretty bad, the way you have like small amount of work in the middle and ALL this wasted space. Keep it up though man.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah I know about the space utilization, I already changed that for my air conditioner prop but im not going to bother with the walkway because it will be replaced with a new prop soon. Any future final images will have the prop from various angles so it wont waste space.

    Got a tree in for this scene, hope to get maybe some kind of hedge and another small prop and I can call it done. of course crits please, the more the better!

    This scene has no real budget, it was just a fun scene in what I hope next gen will offer. Tessellation on just about everything that makes sense, higher poly and texture budget and things like that.
  • Gheromo
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    Gheromo polycounter lvl 11
    Nice progress going on. You should try out CE3 POM for these japanese tiles man, I promise it will look awesome! :)
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Getting close to the finish line. Any last min crits?
    Just gotta fix the wood on the inside edge of the door(some stretching) and add some scuff marks too it and I think ill be done.
  • Justin DeVore
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    Justin DeVore polycounter lvl 4
    I guess the purity of the upper half of the white walls strikes me as a little odd. If the argument is that this is a well maintained place, then I don't think they'd let that much dirt build up towards the bottom of the walls. If that's not the case, then I'd expect to see some dirt/grime build up where the wall meets wood and other contact points. The transition from the white wall to the dark wood is particularly jarring and even just a subtle transition would help tame this a bit. I would also add some dirt, to a lesser degree, in the various imperfections in the wall's surface.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks Justin! Went ahead and toned down the grim. Added rocks along the wall and path and grass coming out of inbetween the rocks.

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