It seems that particular image has spread around quite a bit, as I've seen it used all over the place - those fake adverts on the sides of web pages, headlines for articles like you see there, a couple people throwing a filter on it to try and make it a cool wallpaper, etc.
Loving blastiose, going great! Looks very matt atm though would be nice to see a higher gloss value like the original concepts, either hand-painted in diffuse or in gloss map. Keep it up, great project
Ha! Threw him in UDK with my pokeball just for kicks and giggles!
Also, I would like to clarify that the scene that Blastoise is not mine. It's the UDK Foliage Showcase. All assets other than blastoise and the pokeball are property of Epic Games.
So I came back into this thread to check out if there was any more progress on the ZBrushing, and I noticed that every instance of Blastoise and Croagunk have been removed from Imgur,
A quick internet search shows that not a single version of these images exist any more.
Were they taken down on purpose?
A quick internet search shows that not a single version of these images exist any more.
Were they taken down on purpose?