Update :

I plan on making a game based on mechas. I've decided to start from the basic, and force myself into doing some thumbnails, and trying to have a coherent universe.
Also, the plan should be with a top down view, so I've tried to make the silhouettes interesting from this angle.
C's shoulder pads, E's arms and H's foot.
What engine would you be using for the game?
My ambition is to work either in the UDK, although most programmers I've spoken to are reluctant to use it, or the Source engine, provided Valve have developed the new Source Filmmaker, which looks like a powerful animating and editing tool, problem being I haven't yet worked with this engine.
Engines I actually have achieved games for have been Unity, which I have a hard time getting good renders from, and CryEngine, which have been an incredible pain in the ass regarding the importation of animation process, and which I'd rather avoid for the time being.
But for now, the exercice and protfolio building are excuse enough for me to make these.
B and C are my favs ^^.
Here are some researchs on the "C" model, with Pangahas modifications. I'm trying to find interesting patterns, and some of the sketches above kinda contradict my earlier work. No big deal, we're still in the early stages of development.
Don't hesitate to leave some crits. I'm going to get some rest and I'll make some digital paintings according to your recommendations tomorrow.
Take care.
Purpose here is to simulate an industrial ecology where vehicles actually evolve from a previous machine, and is ultimately perfected into another.
Next up : blockout
Anyway, quick blockout
A small update, here are the mechas' cores. I'll try and get some more done later today.
Anyway, here's some progress :