***update*** 08/16/2012

Thanks to those who helped out!
Hey, I just got back from a small vacation, and now I think I might lose my job. But I did see the ArenaNet blog about character artist, so I'll take a stab at it, what do I have to lose?
I started out with some research and planning from the concept...
I still have to research those knots on the metal pieces...

and I started a base body...
and will add tone along the way

What's typically a good amount of time to finish this? 2-3 weeks?
Oh and I'm shooting for 3 weeks as well. Just hit my one-week mark!
@DashZero: thanks, I'll shoot for 3 weeks
I really like how you've given her a natural look to her chest, and the waist area is looking real good too. Looking forward to seeing this baked with textures!
almighty_gir: Here are my headshots
Maybe I'll whittle down the roundness of the ball of the chin and knock it back a few millimeters. Thanks
also take another look at those hands, it feels like shes lacking palms / transition from palm into wrist
and here's the changes i would have made to the head:
Ravenslayer: I added more flexors to the forearm to the wrist and added some more bulk to the eminences on the palm.
As for the height, aren't Norns taller than usual though? I'll adjust it to maybe to a super model height, maybe?
almighty_gir: I adjusted the eyes a bit similar to that, but my academic sculpting is telling me not to go too far to that shape, so I adjusted it to a good compromise. I also reshaped that nose, and adjusted the jaw as well. Thanks! :poly121:
uberphoenix: here ya go.
Is it a weapon or a purse? I totally forgot to model out the rings and this so i'll get on that, no problem.
Anyway, good luck. Looking good.
tweaked the textures and the AO a bit
Thanks to those who helped out!
okies, im done