This is my first thread and also my thread for the mixamo war character contest! =]
I decided to do a lady necromancer.
Here is a paint over of her anatomy model of a very general concept for her. I'd love any feedback ever. although more bones are definitely in the runes....hehe runes.

The arms looks a little bit too long, no ? Or maybe she is just tall.
and yeah, I think her arms do seem a little long. Thanks for helping me pinpoint it. =]
Crazythisguy. =] Thanks for the input. she's actually going to have a gauntlety thing on one hand made out of bones.
My concept is kinda lacking, but i'm making it up in zbrush! I'll be posting an update hopefully Wednesday!!
Could be funny, huh ? ^^
I'm also looking forward to see your final work Julia ^_^ Good luck!
And I will. Sorry for the lack of posts. I'm really behind. But. Hey.
I think my near future includes a all nigher or two.....Or three...