Finished making a couple of smash-able props today, I've also been doing tedious adjustments to the levels' collision brushes and slowly filling out the scene and sky-box with all the new decorations
Pretty cool stuff. I can easily imagine those sun-ray shots you posted as press-shots for a new fantasy game.
The new grass looks a bit too spiky in my opinion. Maybe with more foliage they won't read as planes, but by itself you can see they're neatly perpendicular.
Pretty cool stuff. I can easily imagine those sun-ray shots you posted as press-shots for a new fantasy game.
Funny you should say that, because this environment is for a new fantasy game called Kingdoms Rise
I'm going to call this environment done (as a first draft) for now.
Here's a badly put together panorama of the interior from the roof
As we complete more of the game's code and play-test within this environment I'm sure we'll find plenty of things that need to be changed, walls and paths that need to be moved etc. Once everything is settled in place I'll return back to logging on this thread as I try to really finalize all the details.
If you want to follow the progress of the game please check our the new blog I made for it here;
it's also on indiedb, bookface and twitbird etc. etc. if you prefer to follow using those things
The new grass looks a bit too spiky in my opinion. Maybe with more foliage they won't read as planes, but by itself you can see they're neatly perpendicular.
I'm going to call this environment done (as a first draft) for now.
Here's a badly put together panorama of the interior from the roof
As we complete more of the game's code and play-test within this environment I'm sure we'll find plenty of things that need to be changed, walls and paths that need to be moved etc. Once everything is settled in place I'll return back to logging on this thread as I try to really finalize all the details.
If you want to follow the progress of the game please check our the new blog I made for it here;
it's also on indiedb, bookface and twitbird etc. etc. if you prefer to follow using those things
So, here comes a burst of images to catch us up on what I've worked on since this environment
and NOW I am currently working on a 4th set of armour, which just looks like this at the moment...
But what I'm going for with this one is a kind of baggy arabian look like this guy
And I'm also wanting a very long cloth scarf, similar to