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S_ource polycounter lvl 9
I was just wondering when a game is a A game, AA game and a AAA game. And when a game is a indie game?


  • Mark Dygert
    $ = A
    $$ = AA
    $$$ = AAA

    Budget, profit and sometimes quality are all factors but $ is probably the biggest.
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    Really there's just AAA and indie. If it was a game that got shipped and you see it on Gamestop's shelves, it can be considered AAA.

    You may be thinking about what has been recently coined "Blockbuster games," like Assassin's Creed or some other massively funded project.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    A and AA doesn't exist anymore as a tag.

    Everyone will essentially 'project' around the AAA tag as a comparison instead, even indie games.

    So something like this:
    -Jerry: HEY!
    -IGN: HOLA!
    -Jerry: So yeah, this is our new-game, Super Saturday Swords: Shadows of Shogun
    -IGN: Cool, explain to us...X, Y, Z
    -Jerry: Yadda, Yadda, Yoda!
    -IGN: Cool, now would you consider your game to be what? Triple A? Indie? Etc?
    -Jerry: Well, in the perfect world, I could say that our game should stand on it's own, but since we're a group of 10 guys, who spent months working in a basement, we're going to have say indie to get a 'cred' thing going on the industry, and also, at the same time, we're going to compare to Triple A titles, because gamers only understand simple numbers, like 8, 9 and 10 for anything lower is shit, and because compare ourselves to Full-Life 4, BASS 12 and BFF5 is the only way we can expect to get things done.
    -IGN: Cool, now if you don't mind, include our local working gal in your game as a nerd bait thing if you want a cool review, and we're done here!
    -Jerry: I wish I was a bee.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    Haiasi wrote: »
    Really there's just AAA and indie. If it was a game that got shipped and you see it on Gamestop's shelves, it can be considered AAA.

    Seems like there should be a third category, considering that there are shovelware games released all the time that are neither indie (that is, they have a publisher) nor AAA (that is, they're crap).
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Swizzle wrote: »
    Seems like there should be a third category, considering that there are shovelware games released all the time that are neither indie (that is, they have a publisher) nor AAA (that is, they're crap).

    I hereby declare these shovelware games to be included in the Poopstick category.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    I think its more like as I do not agree with every game that isnt indie is a tripple A game.

    Smart Phone Games - Games made specifically for smart phone devices.
    Facebook Games - Games made specifically for Facebook.
    Flash Games - Flash based games made for the web.
    Indie Games - Games made by extremely small teams. Platform dosnt matter, could be on PSN/XBLA or iphone. (Minecraft PC/Insainly Twisted Shadow Planet XBLA)
    Shovelware - Crummy games that are quickly made to try and make a profit off a gimic, a movie, or rip off of a popular franchise.
    Video Games - The majority of video games, there not tripple A, but there not crappy, there just video games.
    Tripple A Games - Very high budget titles, generally high quality games. High marketing behind these projects. Generally done by big named studios.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    what Autocon said.
    e.g. Crysis series would be AAA, Diablo III would be AAA. Torchlight I? While its a great game I wouldn't rank it as AAA.

    AAA for me involves state of the art techniques and technology used - possible a lot of in-house R&D - the aim for top notch gfx and gameplay, full use of the hardware and large teams and budgets.

    Although anything inbetween and below (except for Shovelware, which is really a negative term) has the possibility to be just as great and fun as a proper AAA title.
  • EarthQuake
    AAA Game = Any game with a big talking producer.
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    What about simulator-type titles? They don't have the mass appeal to be blockbuster AAA titles.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    AAA is a stupid title anyway. It reeks of e-penis competitions.

    Our game is A-level!
    Well ours is A+-level!
    But we made a DOUBLE A game!

    Just name the game by using more sensible words. For instance a 'medium budget console port'.
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    If we had a studio that made B games the way Troma makes B films, I'd be all about it.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Snader wrote: »
    AAA is a stupid title anyway. It reeks of e-penis competitions.

    well, I've been to a "AAAAAA tourist destination" here in China. Was okay. I wonder how many A's the real cool stuff gets...
    just wait till this makes it to games. We're working on an AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA game!
  • Adam L. Gray
    A^∞÷0, now that's where the good stuff is at \o/

    I do think games could have neither the indie or the AAA title though, think of the smaller games like phone app ones etc. There's companies who makes and have been making these for a long time, while selling the games (in other words, not indie imo). But it's still not something I'd call AAA :P
  • baalnazzar
    I think it's all about the budget only and I rather see only two categories: AAA and low budget games. AAA is simply game of quality that needed a lot of money to spend on. Of course money doesn't make it good game. It still can be crap.
    Low budget games just use cheaper technologies, less people, less of everything. Some of these are games which are great and have potential but budget was low and it can be seen in game's look. Kind of games when during playing you think "If they would have more money for this..."
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    There's no such thing as an A or AA game. It's not a term that is used. AAA is a term used, it was around before games, whether people think it is stupid or not. God knows where it came from. It's not really something to be dissected or get upset over.

    [/end thread]
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Andreas wrote: »
    There's no such thing as an A or AA game. It's not a term that is used. AAA is a term used, it was around before games, whether people think it is stupid or not. God knows where it came from. It's not really something to be dissected or get upset over.

    [/end thread]
    Actually A and AA gradings were used in the past - not for games though.

    What happens here is grade inflation. Grades used to be A - D, derived from grades used in school. When everyone can give themselves grades, then everyone, of course will be A. I mean really, who advertises a B grade product? (exceptions are B grade or "B-grade style" movies, when it became hip to make something that looks as if it were "B-grade" stuff).
    Eventually when everything was A grade some folks though they're better and AA was born. And the AAA. Triple A is just right - rolls off the tongue easily, compared to quadruple-AAA or whatever else follows.

    Same thing going on with hotels. Until the Burj Arab opened 5 stars were enough... now it's 6, 7 or whatever. In most countries hotels award stars themselves.... welcome to grade inflation!
  • Overlord
    What they really mean:
    AAA = Corporate publishers with lots of money that micro-manage the developers either to success or to the unemployment line
    Indie = Fed-up former AAA developers looking for more freedom or start-ups looking to prove themselves
    Casual = Willing to do anything to make a buck

    What they should call them:

    (insert genre) Games or (insert studio name) Games.

    Applying labels such as AAA, indie, or casual tends to pigeon-hole a game to certain mind-set that leads a person to prejudge the game's quality (AAA>Indie>Casual, in that order). People think AAA is always going to be big scope, high quality, and highly polished. Indie is considered lower quality, smaller scope, and less polished. Casual is considered simple, hacked together games for simpletons and people looking to kill time.

    I think saying a game is "A high fantasy RPG action-focused game by Double Fine" is a far better describer.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    EDIT: God dammit I didnt realise I was signed in as Hazard (supposed to be Anuxinamoon) T__________T

    Let's make sure we include all that triple-A-ness!!!

    I know of indi, AAA, budget, b-grade and niche. Though I always associate the title on the presentation of the product (ie marketing and general hype)

    But if I play it and I like it, doesn't matter what class it falls under :)
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Here at Microsoft, we're starting to make AAAA games!

    At least that's what the job adverts claim.
  • Tekoppar
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    Tekoppar polycounter lvl 10
    Do anyone really care how many A's a game has? I can understand that it fools grandmas buying games for their kids. I also gotta ask, how come company's don't up the amount of A's their game has, I mean no one cares anyway. Why not just make it a myria A game.
  • Mask_Salesman
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    Mask_Salesman polycounter lvl 15
    It's pretty simple, the more A's next to your game, the larger your penis is.

    Don't forget gem/cult, games which were not hugely funded or very well marketed but after a few years have become extremely well liked beyond those that may have done better upon immediate release.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    I get the feeling "cult" has become another marketing term these days. Every retro styled crap is "cult". All the kiddos who weren't around in the C64 era are probably easily fooled by this. No wonder they think old games are crap ;)
  • Kurt Russell Fan Club
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    Kurt Russell Fan Club polycounter lvl 9
    ambershee wrote: »
    Here at Microsoft, we're starting to make AAAA games!


    I'd call some games just your normal games and some games b-grade. I'd be pretty hesitant to call anything but the most blatant, derivative ripoff shovelware. Seems more of a game fan term than one I'd hear from industry people.

    I always thought AAA was pretty funny, I've always grown up seeing companies advertise in phone books with AAA when they were crap but wanted to be put at the top - AAAA PEST CONTROL
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Kwramm wrote: »
    Actually A and AA gradings were used in the past - not for games though.

    Exactly, read the first sentence you quoted again :poly124:
    Hazardous wrote: »
    EDIT: God dammit I didnt realise I was signed in as Hazard (supposed to be Anuxinamoon) T__________T

    You post from two different accounts? :poly141:
  • Kurt Russell Fan Club
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    Kurt Russell Fan Club polycounter lvl 9
    Andreas wrote: »
    You post from two different accounts? :poly141:

    Nah, they're good friends. One might say, great friends.
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    Hazardous wrote: »

    that triple-A-ness!!!

    heh heh you say funny thing.
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for all the replies, I think i understand how it is and that its not any real rules for what is what.
  • Mask_Salesman
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    Mask_Salesman polycounter lvl 15
    Kwramm wrote: »
    I get the feeling "cult" has become another marketing term these days. Every retro styled crap is "cult". All the kiddos who weren't around in the C64 era are probably easily fooled by this. No wonder they think old games are crap ;)

    Yeah I get what you mean, although I was thinking of games like Ico, Psychonauts, kengo:MoB, Okami, Bushido Blade, Gitaroo Man etc. The potentially hidden gems the average gamer may miss.
  • battlecow
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    battlecow polycounter lvl 13
    They'll have to stop putting A's or they just might get sued by the french tripe sausage association (better know as the wiener that smells like ass)
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    If a game sells a million copies and doesn't make a profit - it's AAA!
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