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Portfolio- Ranko Prozo (Environment Art)

polycounter lvl 4
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Ranko polycounter lvl 4
Hello Everyone, I have had my website (http://www.rankoprozo.com)up for awhile but never got much exposure to feedback. I have a updated version coming with newer work,any comments and suggestions regarding my work or the site itself would be very welcome :)



  • NoltaN
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    NoltaN polycounter lvl 15
    Hey Ranko,

    Thanks for sharing your work, looks great. In general I have a few overall critiques.

    1. Your website seems a bit confusing to me. At first I thought the names on the left (3d Work, 2d Work, etc) were rows and the subsequent art to the right of the words pertained to the category. The buttons are intended to be tabs to a page but, at least to me, aren't originally perceived that way. Possibly consider a slight redesign of that element?

    2. Consider removing a few pieces of work. In the eyes of a recruiter you're typically only as good as your worst piece. In my opinion the 'Sanctuary of light', 'Sacred Temple', 'Environment Art Test', and the 'Gamecube' would be the first to go. They don't really feel up to the same level as the other pieces.

    3. Lastly, The one major critique I have about your work is that the props seem pretty noisy. My eye doesn't have anywhere to rest which causes me to quickly move on to another image, or artist, rather than becoming trapped within one of your pieces. I'll attach an image to show what I mean.

    I hope it helps! I enjoyed looking over your site, thanks again for sharing :)

  • Ranko
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    Ranko polycounter lvl 4
    Hey NoltaN

    Thanks for the feedback, all good things to consider. :)
  • Darkmaster
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    Darkmaster polycounter lvl 11
    I'm impressed! Great work here Ranko. You definitely have a very unique style. I won't rehash a lot of what NoltaN said, but you need to take down some of your older work. I really love how many different kinds of environments you have. Keep up the good work man!!
  • Ranko
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    Ranko polycounter lvl 4
    Yeah im working on it, should have a new site up sometime in the coming weeks. Love your work as well Darkmaster! Thank you.
  • cdevens
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    cdevens polycounter lvl 7
    I think the layout of your site needs some work. The thumbnails are so small, you can't tell what they are. I immediately wanted to just close the tab rather than click through 50 tiny thumbnails hoping something I was interested would come up. Also, your site says environment artist yet you have lots of non environment pieces in there. It would also be helpful to see some breakdowns so employers could see how you work. I saw a few wireframes but no texture flats or scene breakdowns. I didn't click on every single thumb, so there may be some in there, but I didn't see any on the pages I clicked on. You have an entire page for each piece, why not give a little more info about your workflow. Your work is good, but your material definition is lacking a little bit. Everything seems to be very stylized and a bit noisy. I hope this helps, a few tweaks and your work could really stand out a lot more than it does on your current site.
  • ladyknowles
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    ladyknowles polycounter lvl 7
    I agree with cdevens here. Your page loaded in and I was instantly impressed, but then choosing an image to click on was hard. I think if you gave each image more space and gave more information, I'd be more tempted to look at everything on your site.

    Saying that, your work is gorgeous, and kudos for being a kickass artist!
  • riot
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    riot polycounter lvl 12
    Hey Ranko, you've got some nice pieces there! :)
    However, the actual layout of your portfoloio kinda kills them, because everything it's justo too "chaotic", it's too hard to see something of the actual piece on those little thumbnails(on the top part especially). People usually won't open all those thumbnails to see all yor artwork because it would take them a lot of time to do it, so they'll just leave your site. I also think that horizontal images in the first page look better, but that's a personal preference :).
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