Hey guys I've been working on this MK23 for awhile now and I'm just about done with my high poly. Going to be baking onto a low poly.
I've started working on the low poly and I got a question. On my high poly I beveled most of the edges so they catch a nice highlight (a lot of tutorials I look at do this), do I want to bevel on my low poly? It seems like most wireframes I see don't have any beveling on the low poly. How does beveling a high poly but not the low poly work...?
Any comments on my low poly would be greatly appreciated. For some reason I have such a hard time making low polys :[

Beginnings of my low

That link might help you out.
The 'X' shape on the low poly handle, is that needed? Looks like it's just adding an extra vertex that you don't need?
I just kind of put that there. I'm going to putting a lot of detail there through a normal map for the grip. Wouldn't that extra geometry provide more resolution for that?
It's mentioned a lot in that linked you provided, Bek.