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Knight Lady

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future-fiction greentooth
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Hello all!

Recently I realised I haven't finished a full character in over a year - gonna try and remedy that asap! I want to try and make something that will push me out of my comfort zone and give me some practise at something I'm not great at/haven't done much of - hard surface modelling in Max! Time to make up for those years I skimmed over learning Max properly in order to get to sculpting as quickly as possible (and paid for it later!)

This thread is to keep a record of what I'm doing and set mini-deadlines for myself so I don't get overwhelmed and actually finish something for a change :)

I'm going to try and make this lady by wraithdt


Going for something between realistic and stylised, want to keep the forms/proportions relatively naturalistic. I have a bad habit of exaggerating things according to what my brain thinks it sees rather than what's actually there, so please call me out on something if it looks off!

Current progress



For the face I was going for a young, slightly innocent heroine type, with a slightly pissed off baked in expression! Texture is just a very generic base right now, will have to re-do the UVs and reproject later so I can add some wear and tear and make her more characterful.

Crit much appreciated on this
, I really want to get better at faces! Tried to stop repeating my habits with this one, I'm guilty of eyes too far apart, mouth too low down, features generally too big for the face. I want to ground it in realism while still having character.


Blocked out some armor in Max, for some reason zbrush has made a mess of the meshes, but I'll post some Max screen grabs later. Trying to keep it as clean as possible at this point.

Will post more as I go! Determined to finish this one!


  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    Love the face, but something seems off, can't quite place it. Maybe in the cheeks or forehead shape. But the back of the head and/or neck could use some work, that's a huge slant.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    I love the face so much, can't wait to see more!
  • Aga22
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    Aga22 polycounter lvl 12
    awesome work on the face!
  • The_Blenderer
    Good Eye ThrottleKitty , The edges of her mouth off(or at least they look that way in the unrendered mesh version) and I think the mouth and chin are too close but it may be due to her enormous lips ( The mouth is at the center between the chin and nose.
    Forhead is ok but she might need slightly sharper femaleish brow protrusion
    look at profile reference of beautiful women, but that is really up to you because it looks more or less ok anatomically, Just sayin'
    Don't lose confidence in what you are doing.. hm , it look good so we are just nitpicking.
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    nitpicking is good it means you have something worthwhile imo. I actually love the mouth, the nose feels a bit off to me :/ there is a certain way I have seen people make female noses in game art, and maybe I have just seen too much of it done that way. Either way I'm a env artist so that's just my 2 cents.
  • toolpaddz
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    toolpaddz polycounter lvl 10
    Although this might not be seen due to the armor, the neck seems too long and slightly too thin to me, especially because the back of the head really pushes outward too much imo.
  • future-fiction
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    future-fiction greentooth
    @ThrottleKitty, thanks! I'm having trouble placing whats off with the face too, still looks a little uncanny to me! I'll definately reduce the back of the head and shorten the neck though, thanks for pointing it out!

    , Thanks for the crits man! Do you think the mouth is too low on the face or too wide? Something is definately off with it...I might do a few paintovers to experiment! Thanks for the tip about the brow. Usually I find nitpicks are really useful criticisms that make the difference between something average or great :]

    @dudealan2001, The nose is a bit generic and smooth at this point? Maybe I should define the bridge more, was just trying to avoid a very thin, fake-looking nose, thanks for pointing it out :]

    @toolpaddz, Thanks, agree with that, even though the armor covers it its important that the head and the body work together!

    Will post more this weekend...!
  • haikai
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    haikai polycounter lvl 8
    This is starting out nicely. I agree about the back of the head sticking out too far, but here is what I think may help the face specifically:

    Basically, I think the face portion of the head is too large (or the rest of the head is too small, however you'd like to think of it). It dominates the frontal plane so much that it makes the head feel too wide in front (although my paintover may be a bit of an exaggeration). The mastoid process muscles could also come in closer together at the base of the neck.

    Looking forward to seeing your progress on this. :)
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Can't wait to see more of this one !!!
  • future-fiction
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    future-fiction greentooth
    @Haikai, Wow, thanks for the paintover, its super super userful! I totally agree about the feautres being too big for the face, it was giving it more of a stylised look than I intended. Definately going to shrink them down a little after seeing this, should give a lot more balance to the face.

    In the middle of moving house, no pc at the moment for the latest files! Going to post some screens of the hard surface stuff to see if I'm on the right track...
  • future-fiction
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    future-fiction greentooth
    Practising some hard surface stuff, starting with simple primitives and trying to keep things as basic as possible. More geometry = more confusing for my brain.



    Crit much appreciated, I'm trying to improve my Max modelling so I don''t rely on zbrush so much. Will post more progress soon, gonna make some changes to the head and get working on some cloth stuff!
  • Hang10
    Solid progress on the armor, looking forward for more
  • stoyan3d
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    stoyan3d polycounter lvl 7
    Try not putting the supporting loops so close to the edges. This will give you a softer more natural bevels when you TurboSmooth it. Very clean topology though keep going!
  • imijatov
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    imijatov polycounter lvl 14
    No saying it's not possible :), but how thin and long the neck is does bother me a bit. I love the way you did the face, though. Great progress on the armor. Can't wait to see more!
  • Ikosan
    i'd look a bit more into the ears, you currently don't have much of a lobe and the curves of it need to have more shape to them (ie thicker in places and then thinning out gracefully). I find its usefull to emphasise the 's shape' ears get when viewed from behind to get the overall shape right. How much work you put into them kind of depends if your gonna cover them with a helmet/hair though
  • future-fiction
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    future-fiction greentooth
    @hang10, thanks!
    @stoyan, ah thanks for the tip, I put them so close together to try and get those harsh edges, I'll try get a softer look and space them out more.
    @imijatov, its bothering me too, I overcompensate so the characters don't look dumpy but thanks for pointing it out, I'm toning it down :)
    @ikosan, even though one of them might be covered with hair I still want to get the shape right, I'll take another look, thanks!
  • Artist_in_a_box
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    Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
    I love the collar, its functional yet eloquent. The gauntlets too are a nice mix of feminine yet functional. I really like it. I am making a male knight atm so will be watching this thread closely.
  • future-fiction
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    future-fiction greentooth
    Helloo, just a small update on the high poly, set a deadline for myself to get most of the highpoly done before next weekend. Then gonna have a week of going back and refining things I think, especially the head like people have suggested. Personal projects carry on forever if you don't set deadlines!

    She's still looking pretty derpy without hair and that gormless expression....


    As usual, critique is loved, I want to learn!

    Made the leg armor this weekend, probably gonna need some help on where to position all those buckles and straps to hold things together. I wish there were more hours in the day to do that stuff!
    The shoes are going to be a knightmare...
  • PDC
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    PDC polygon
    How are you planning to do the shoes? Full metal plates, or leather?

    The hard-surface work is looking really lovely. Very realistic, and surprisingly flattering.
    Looking forward to seeing more of this!
  • future-fiction
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    future-fiction greentooth

    Another quick update, looks a bit more put-together with straps and buckles, just blocking the shoes out now. Trying to figure out how to positon the tasset and not have her hips looking disproportionately huge.

    @PDC, planning to do something metallic, but with a bit of a fantasy-influenced design for something more elegant, since the actual medieval soleret look like metal flippers to me! In the process of gathering a bunch of ref.
    Thanks, sometimes its hard to get a femenine look but I'm stylising the shape a lot to keep the silhouette so its not really that accurate! ^^;
  • Artist_in_a_box
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    Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
    those armoured shoes look awesome man
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    lovely face on this one :) good work keep going!
  • mrmagee1000
    I love everything on this! Nice flow on all of it. I'm curious to see how you're planning to tackle the hair

    Can't wait to see more
  • future-fiction
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    future-fiction greentooth
    @Artist_in_a_box, thanks but I've decided to redo them and go for a leather/metal combination
    @Chrisradsby, thanks! Hopefully it'll look decent after I bake it down.
    @mrmagee1000, heh I'm curious too, think I'm gonna go with alpha planes, lots and lots of alpha planes.

    Looong overdue update, only a couple of hours a week to work on this, weekends are taken up travelling, wish I was a student again so I could work on my own stuff full-time :(

    Anyway, gotta push on! Been working on some high frequency detail and hitting the ref. I dunno if I should simplify things a bit, its really hard to get cloth looking like its pinching. I could spend forever on this stage!


    I changed the matcap to plan grey so you guys can actually see it. I'm so out of practise with cloth sculpting, it looks super sloppy still. Crit much loved as usual!
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    Some of the folds are looking quite nice, although the one's one the back of the trousers seem a bit thin and random in places, especially bellow the buttocks. I don't know how thick the trousers material is supposed to be, but I assume they would be quite heavy-weight to work with the tough armour plates and leather straps. For this reason you could maybe create fatter/thicker wrinkles to help the material seem thick, atleast in relation to the top.

    I don't know if this character is supoosed to be for a still or an animation, but if it's for animation try to avoid doing extreme wrinkles which give an indication of the character turning, such as on the back (left shoulder to right waist). Its not a huge deal, but something worth thinking about if the character will be animated (especially when animated normal maps may be used).

    Anyway great stuff, keep it up!
  • future-fiction
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    future-fiction greentooth
    @SCB, Thanks for such a long response! Agreed with you about the trousers, I reworked them after I read your comment. The material is meant to be closest to wool, so fairly heavy! Tried to give the folds some more weight to them.
    Its actually just for fun/practise as a showpiece, so I guess I wanted to add a little drama! When I'm doing a character for a game I try to make clothing creases and such as neutral as possible like you said :)

    Had a free day at the weekend so I've been hitting zbrush pretty hard to finish the high poly! Everything is modelled now, at last! Decided to rework the shoes and made em leather in the end, with some ankle guards and steel toecap type metal bits. Historical accuracy went out the window for this one, but I like shoes.

    Made another greyscale render with some fake painted on hair. No idea where I'm going with that yet.


    Tomorrow I'm gonna take another look at the head and make a start in baking it down.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    I'm definitly not the most qualified to critic and I think this is awesome work.
    But I couldn't help wondering..?
    Isn't her head looks a big too big, especially when you look at her shoulder?
    Maybe it's just the perspective view tho!
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    Agree with the above, scaling down the head a bit will make a big (positive) difference.

    Looks awesome, refreshing.
  • future-fiction
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    future-fiction greentooth
    Looking at it now, I agree with you guys! Thanks for pointing it out! I think what it is is the features are too big on the face, which makes the whole head look too big. Gonna scale that down after I have it baked. Will post more soon!
  • future-fiction
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    future-fiction greentooth
    I've been really busy again lately, so this is coming along slowly. I baked the face down and did another pass on the textures, here's a screencap of her in viewport -

  • future-fiction
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    future-fiction greentooth
    Works been really busy, but we just finished a game :]


    Been doing some uninteresting stuff like retopo and unwrap, I messed around with xoliul shader to get the above, no diffuse just normals. The result is really aliased, would be cool to find a way around that!
  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    keep going on this man! im rooting for ya
  • future-fiction
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    future-fiction greentooth


    Finally finished, yay! onto something else!
  • Ichiban
    Gorgeous. Love the face textures. Good job !
  • SA_22
    yeah texture and materials really make this pop! looks sick!!!

    what you thinking of working on next?
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11

    How did you do the eyes?!?
    Id tighten up the spec and reduce the diffuse noise on the metal parts though,if naything
  • Ravanna
    Amazing work
    You graduated in 2011 like me? Maybe I should have looked into DMU..
  • mr_ace
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    mr_ace polycounter lvl 9
    the face and skin looks really nice, what shader setup are you using? I can never get skin to look that nice

    There's something slightly off about her head in relation to the rest of her body, I think the heads too big or the shoulders are too narrow which makes the full body shot look a little strange
  • Sebeuroc
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    Sebeuroc polycounter lvl 13
    Nice work man! I like the design and your execution looks really good.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    wow how did i miss this one. love all the small details
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    mr_ace wrote: »
    the face and skin looks really nice, what shader setup are you using? I can never get skin to look that nice

    There's something slightly off about her head in relation to the rest of her body, I think the heads too big or the shoulders are too narrow which makes the full body shot look a little strange

    her head is too big.
  • Mimiws
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    Mimiws polycounter lvl 6
    i think the head is fine. is she 6-7 heads tall? for me the shoulders are narrow just like mr_ace said, overall i like it so much she looks like Ramza Beoulve from FF tactics for me :) Great work cheers!
  • PhoenixWolf
  • future-fiction
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    future-fiction greentooth
    Ahh didn't see all the comments on this, thanks everyone for the feedback and for pointing out the big flaws in this, it was an experiment and I feel a lot more confident now in hard surface modelling, whereas when I started I knew nothing about it. I definitely need to work on my basic anatomy and proportions for next time.

    SA_22 - Thank you, just gonna do some zbrush work and quick sculpts I think for a while, doing a full on high to low poly character got tedious at times but I did learn a lot.

    butt_sahib - The eyes are done by building a simple cornea shape over the eyeball which bulges out in the middle to get the correct highlight, its just set to have a very high specular, set to alpha, and reflects whatever environment map you choose in marmoset. Agree, I think the metal needs another pass too, very noisy looking at it now.

    Ravanna - DMU was a lot of fun, I learned everything I knew at the time from a couple of guys in the year above me who all went on to great things! If I didn't have friends there and just followed lectures, I think I would be doing something very different.

    mr_ace - I'm using the new marmoset which has the fake SSS skin shader in it, which works ok, I'll pose the face textures but there's nothing special I did there, just photo sourced textures and AO bake on the face.

    Yeah I always struggle with getting the head to look natural on the body, she is pretty short, about 6 heads, I agree with the shoulders and head ratio looking off, I'm going to make a better female base I think and make it correct to real life. I think its because I always shrink down the shoulders and the head looks like this big balloon just sitting there! Gonna try shrinking it down and see if its better smaller, probably will be!

    Mimiws - Yesss haha I'm very happy with the female Ramza comparison, I love FFT. I wanna make one of the characters from Tactics now...
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    I really like this, great work!

    I think the final presentation is a little boring though honestly. It would be cool to get at least one screenshot with a more dynamic pose.
  • future-fiction
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    future-fiction greentooth
    Shiniku - Haha I really agree with you...This was the best I could do in zbrush without totally distorting the armor. Posing stuff is my weak point I want to get better at, unfortunately I'm not very knowledgeable on rigging yet :(
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