Allot of weird looking images i know. Have been thinking about what to do next and this kind of harbour environment is what i was thinking of making. Im gonna make the bases in modular pieces with some chipped away concrete here and there.
Im also thinking about making the crane modular so i can perhaps make bigger cranes. But then maybe with a steel base rather than a brick one.
Im planning on highpolymodell the cranes steelpart. Make the wood sections in zbrush.
Thinking about starting with the modular bases in concrete tomorrow and lastly make the crane itself and then the props.
I have allot more refs than this, just dont wanna post them all

Some thought about what sky and lighting situation. maybe too dark
Here :::>>>>
thinking aboy ways to add broken sections to it. Best way maybe to make duplicates with broken concrete textures maybe.
gonna read Investigation_into_modular_design_within_computer_games and get some better idea how to do it better!
thanks, yeah the idea was to add different sized cranes but that might be weird