Update 7/12. Colored the dwarf. Also started a button commission for PAX. My friend always wants beavers as the theme. I post the past ones when this scifi themed piece is finished.
Your 2D looks nice! One thing I think you could improve though is your perspective. The only place I noticed you used perspective lines is the b&w dungeon in your first post.
Thanks for the crit! I've actually used perspective intensively in the last couple pieces. I agree that I can continue to grow in this particular area, but I try to not make the perspective obvious. Here are the persp lines from the last work. Keep coming with the crits guys, I'd like to grow!
Thanks! The Goblin King is too big a persona for me to take on in a little poster sketch. He deserves his own 2 week illustration to really do him justice.
My problem has always been my obsession with having a very tight drawing before I do any painting. With this space-thingy, I tried to stay as loose as possible and get right into it. It felt good. Also tried a duplicate blurred layer on top of everything and masking only areas of interest. Don't know how I feel about it yet.
I wanted to try out painting the same character in different styles. I added a quick and dirty coloring job on the chibi, but it turned out well. Meet The Cookpot Knight!
I like your environments, especially the last one with the light streaming through the windows. I noticed that most of your characters are in the three quarters stance. I think you would improve faster if you tried changing up the pose. Also the guy with the eye patch has a top quality expression that conveys his character very well! Keep going!
Good work!
Blocking out values for a new piece before I have to go in for work. Scene from one of my favorite games. Pulling out all the stops on this one.
Rendering looks great!
That film poster's for Labyrinth, right? It looks nice, but I definitely think it needs more David Bowie haha
Really playing with perspective in this one.
And an alien warm-up.
Demon Practice.