Howdy and Hello
I was wondering if anyone had a clue on how to help with my following goal:
I wish, hopefully through kismet alone, be able to create a crate that when hit, explodes triggering a particle effect and a radial impulse at its given location.
I've been tinkering with different ideas but so far I have had no luck. I can post up a screen shot of what I have so far if needed.
Please and thank you very much.
So what you could do is put your crate in the world, go into kismet, right click and create a new take damage event using your crate (Instigator is your crate). Then create an actor factory, plug the output of the event into the spawn actor input. In the actor factory click the blue triangle and select actor factory emitter, now put in your emitter from the browser. Now plug your crate into the spawn point of the actor factory. That should do it for the effect part. Hope that makes sense. OH ya, don't forget to make the crate a mover (that will convert it to an interpActor)
thanks for the tips on how to set it up. Now if I could only get it to work. Lol...pardon. Now...I have this so far.
I can get the triggers to work, I set the crate as a mover as you said and made the actor factory and emitter type. Um...any clue where I might have made a wrong turn?
////////////EDIT//////////// i figured it out. I got it working...bravo and thank you very much. The only other problem I'm facing now is getting the Radial Impulse Actor to do the same as the particle. Also, to be able to control the "draw scale" and orientation of the particle. In the end, my goal is to achieve a easy to use explosion set up so that, lets say the need to drop a few crates in a given location is facilitated by this system. That, all you have to do is just drag and drop the crates.
once more, thank you for all your help and tips.
See....I understand what you have set up here and its pretty close to what I want. The thing I'm aiming for is to be able to spawn or trigger the Radial Impulse actor at the same location as the crate, just like how the particle is spawned.
The other thing I need help with is setting up particle properties for when it spawns.