hi guys ! i just recently realized that i dont have a proper anatomy based character ! i just have a bunch of cartoonish characters in my portfolio, so just decided to do more anatomy based character ! so far i made a basic mesh with 3ds max ! nothing really special about it ! u can see it here !
Thats actually pretty good, nice job. His back muscles are a little ridiculous, same with his butt. I'd tone them down so they dont look like theyre about to burst. The upper part of his feet seem too tall. I'd maybe look at more foot references and get those more correct. The transition from leg to foot is always a little weird. Another thing is I feel like the proportion of his triceps vs deltoids is off. Or I think his arms are too wide in general in the triceps and forearm area.
This guys coming along nicely. Well done but there are a few things here and there that could be addressed. He too short at the moment, especially the legs and he may also be too wide in the shoulders.
Looking good, but you should study the leg a bit more. Specially the male one... your Vastus intermedialius(the middle thigh muscle) is WAY too big. The lower leg and the knee also need a lot of work.
The abdominal muscles are too wide in the male one. If you're going for a "World's Strongest Man" look, they don't have a lot of definition there.
on the male:
drop to the lowest subdivision, then mask off the entire arm and shoulder, move them up and in a little.
then look at the way the deltoid connects to the arm, both front and back. it looks really blobby and weird at the moment. remember that both the biceps AND the pectorals connect UNDER the deltoid, the same is true of the back of the arm, with the tricep connecting under the deltoid. all that muscle has to go somewhere, and it will push the deltoid out. what you have right now, is "okay so the muscle should be this shape, and that's that". but each muscles reaction to the ones next to it doesn't seem to be taken into account.
the abdomen is all kinds of weird and wrong... the rectus abdominus (6 pack muscles) should take up "roughly" 1/3 of the total space. with the external obliques taking up the remaining 1/3 on either side and moving up to a smooth transition with the serratus anterior group.
you also need to make his torso longer, particularly the distance between belly button and crotch.
for the female:
stop working on it and finish the male. once that's done, please use the link in my sig to help you with proportional issues, as well as checking out the other threads from the course. there's SO much information there from all of us, it will change the way you think about, and approach female models.
Thanks almighty_gir ur advices were really usefull to me !! i looked back to the male one and looked too odd to me compare to the references ! so i used ur advices to improve it more !
here is what i got :
i just decided to finish (fix) my male anatomy base on people suggestions specially almighty_gir! when i looked at it again it looked too much heroic to me so ..
i did some more research about human anatomy then backed to my anatomy models after a break ! i felt my anatomy of male is totally messed up so just decided to improve it more ! i am there more place to improve on it so please let me know if there is anything weird or wrong about this guy !
Hi, I'm currently doing the same thing ATM but still on stage 1 (base mesh) your hands look rather near on your base, don't suppose you could display a wireframe?
Overall nice work, youve improved alot from the crit
thanks almighty_gir! definitely i will work on his face !
David Wakelin: here is wire frames of the hands. hands are really lowpoly on the base-mesh otherwise a lot of polys will be wasted after subdividing. what i learned from making hands is that turn off Auto Smooth function for level 1 to 3 and do manual smoothing on the hands. this way i can keep volume of the fingers. i did almost same thing for feet.
it's been a long time that i didnt update this thread ! so just just decided to work more on both female and male one ! here is what i got so far !!! please let me know if there is something wierd or wrong about them !
here is level 4 so far !
here is level 5 so far !
here is what i got so far !!
But keep chipping away at it.
worked more on his hands ! but still struggling with his butt !
next i will work on female anatomy ! once i finished female one, then i will back to this guy and add more details on him !
The abdominal muscles are too wide in the male one. If you're going for a "World's Strongest Man" look, they don't have a lot of definition there.
Here's a good reference.
Hope that helps!
drop to the lowest subdivision, then mask off the entire arm and shoulder, move them up and in a little.
then look at the way the deltoid connects to the arm, both front and back. it looks really blobby and weird at the moment. remember that both the biceps AND the pectorals connect UNDER the deltoid, the same is true of the back of the arm, with the tricep connecting under the deltoid. all that muscle has to go somewhere, and it will push the deltoid out. what you have right now, is "okay so the muscle should be this shape, and that's that". but each muscles reaction to the ones next to it doesn't seem to be taken into account.
the abdomen is all kinds of weird and wrong... the rectus abdominus (6 pack muscles) should take up "roughly" 1/3 of the total space. with the external obliques taking up the remaining 1/3 on either side and moving up to a smooth transition with the serratus anterior group.
you also need to make his torso longer, particularly the distance between belly button and crotch.
for the female:
stop working on it and finish the male. once that's done, please use the link in my sig to help you with proportional issues, as well as checking out the other threads from the course. there's SO much information there from all of us, it will change the way you think about, and approach female models.
here is what i got :
here is what i got :
and here is a THEN & NOW :
now do the same with the face! try to make it look like an actual person rather than super generic guy, trust me it will help.
Overall nice work, youve improved alot from the crit
David Wakelin: here is wire frames of the hands. hands are really lowpoly on the base-mesh otherwise a lot of polys will be wasted after subdividing. what i learned from making hands is that turn off Auto Smooth function for level 1 to 3 and do manual smoothing on the hands. this way i can keep volume of the fingers. i did almost same thing for feet.