Hello everyone, here's a little presentation:
After seeing that thread:
http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=88366&highlight=motivation+graph for the first time, i finally understood why i always start something new and never finish what i started (in 3D). I don't have help to solve issues on my project, and that's why i loose the motivation for working on it and start something new. So i need to post on polycount to get feedbacks from awesome artists to progress. I am always open for critics and comments, and it is really important to start young i think (i'm 17). So let's begin

Alright, i have too much projects to work on, and i try to work on both, but working on multiple projects at the same time isn't good. So first step, help me choosing the model i have to do in my WIPs list and stick to it until it's finished :poly142::
Thanks in advance, i love that place

a model that would be cool to see fully polished and with textures etc.
or something that is challanging for you to make at the moment.
What about some famous movie scene???
That might be awesome.
Hehe, i actually planed to do variants and with environments like the LEGO videogames
EDIT: Not finished yet with the legs, i am having troubles modeling the upper part of the leg in the hole with the boxes the hole in the box where you attach the belt here:
What i have:
Any idea?