Hey, not a bad start. face looks cool. As for his overall anatomy. the vertical streaks on his pectorals don't really make sense, as the muscles strip horizontally across the chest. giving some more mass to the obliques would be a good idea too, they look a bit sharp and odd right now. In general just try and clean up your forms, its a bit blobby right now. Here's a quick paintover
that's really great guide . . I made it by speere & just taken 3 hours :poly122:... just a dirty sculpt to get shape, big thanks.... I will correct it sooner...
Lot much of a modeller here, so take what you will from this.
+Love the teeth and face mask type thing around his neck
+looks much better than the original. Giles guide really helped. so good job following
-not really a fan of the shoulder piece. I think its too small, as it barely even covers the muscle. Make it big, and awesome
-I feel the streaks in the quads (upper leg) feel off. Check out some reference for those. Should be more of a bubble, i think.
look foward to seeing what you come up with!
lillbit change to get good shape. have no much time to fix it . :poly122:
CNC always welcome #fell so lonely :poly122:
+Love the teeth and face mask type thing around his neck
+looks much better than the original. Giles guide really helped. so good job following
-not really a fan of the shoulder piece. I think its too small, as it barely even covers the muscle. Make it big, and awesome
-I feel the streaks in the quads (upper leg) feel off. Check out some reference for those. Should be more of a bubble, i think.